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Hank paced back and forth outside the car. There was some light snow falling and it was rather foggy this close to the water. The creator of androids had his house next to the frozen Detroit River, in the foggy distance you could make out the shapes of the bridge leading over to Belle-Isle and the CyberLife tower. The Lieutenant continued his pacing as he talked to someone on the phone.

Inside Hank's car sat Faye in the front seat and Connor in the seat behind the driver. "Who do you think he's talking to?" Connor wondered.

"No clue, but he looks serious." Faye answered but then changed the subject, "Kamski is our only hope, he may know something about the deviants, about rA9... about Jericho." 

"He will know, I'm sure of it." Connor tried to say with as much confidence as he could but it fell flat, he was as nervous as the female in the front seat. She sneakily stretched out her hand towards Connor who grabbed and made a reassuring squeeze.

After a few more minutes of talking Hank eventually hung up. The android and the Detective stepped out of the car. Hank didn't pay them any attention, he was distant as he looked out over the frozen lake, "is everything okay, Lieutenant?" Connor asked, he had noticed the worried look and slumped shoulders.

"Chris was on patrol last night," Faye looked worried, Chris was one of their colleagues, "he was attacked by a bunch of deviants. He said he was saved by Markus himself." Faye cast a look towards Connor, Markus was the leader of Jericho, if he spared Chris then maybe the android was good-hearted enough to accept Faye and Connor.

"Is Chris alright?" Faye asked.

"Yeah, he's in shock, but... he's alive," Hank stated and looked very off, like there was something bugging him. The more he found out about deviants the less he wanted to hunt them down, "what the hell..." He started walking up the short ramp towards the front door.

"How did you find Kamski?" Connor asked as both him and Faye followed the old man.

"I remember this guy was all over the media when Cyberlife first started selling androids," Hank explained, "I made a few calls, here we are."

"The privileges of a Lieutenant," Faye muttered, the privileged one ignored her. A soft melody could be heard as Hank rang the doorbell, no one came to answer and just as he was about to ring a second time, it opened.

An android who mimicked the appearance of a small blonde woman was standing in the doorway. She wore a blue dress and her expression was that of innocence. Faye had a hard time taking her eyes of the android, its skin was so perfect, its eyes so big and its cheeks so rosy and sweet. "Hi... Uh..." Hank too seemed to be caught off guard by the android in front of them, "I'm, er, Lieutenant Anderson, Detroit Police Department and this is Detective Faye Cox, we're here to see Mr Elijah Kamski."

"Please come in." It made a  friendly smile and gestured for the three to step in.

"Okay," Hank managed to get out before stepping in. Faye went in next and as she passed the android she continued staring, searching for the smallest imperfection but to no avail. Connor went in last, he didn't mind the android as much as the two humans did.

The entrance hall was in a grey colour scheme with statues, paintings and two armchairs in red. "I'll let Elijah know that you're here. But please, make yourself comfortable." The female android said before walking away into a different room. Hank made himself comfortable in one armchair and Faye took the other one. Connor looked around the room.

"Nice girl," Hank said, Faye paid great attention to what Connor was about to answer, she caught the nervous glimpse he gave her.

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