Dim Light

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The atmosphere in Faye's apartment was that of gloom. The tapestry had never been so grey, the light so dim and the sofa so uncomfortable. Yet, there they sat, next to each other in that uncomfortable sofa. The tv was on, like always nowadays, there was some news story about deviants, but none of them were watching. They were just staring at the moving pictures but not taking in the information. The silence had been ever-present since they got home, Faye was the first one to break it, Without turning her eyes away from the moving pictures she stated, "he knows." Faye didn't need to specify who knew.

"We don't know that." Connor tried, he too didn't take his eyes off the tv, not because he was invested in the story but that it was too much to look his loved one in the eyes and know that he had let her down.

"His look. What he said. He knows." Faye was devasted, the little glimpse of happiness in her life was going to be taken away from her.

"What are we going to do?" Connor took his eyes off the tv and focused on his hands, he had put his elbows on his knees and his hand were resting between his legs, the very hands who had earlier held a gun against another android.

"I..." Faye's voice cracked as tears balanced on the edge of falling, "I don't know." Connor had closed his hands, if Faye didn't know either what to do, then they were doomed. They only opened as he felt another hand on top of his. He looked up with shock at Faye. The very person who he thought was mad at him had now taken his hand, " but whatever we do, we'll do it together."

"You're not mad at me?" Connor was nearly too afraid to ask. She shook her head.

"I would never ask you to kill someone," Faye answered. "Even if it meant knowing Jericho's location." Connor's smile was in both relief and in pain. Relief because that his greatest fear, that even Faye hated him was false and in pain because soon enough he wouldn't be able to have these moments with Faye. Let alone any moments.

They continued just sitting there, in the uncomfortable sofa, holding hands, the murmur of the tv running in the background and the grey walls to encase the with the dim light shining on them. Even though the light was dim, it was still light.


Hank was back at the station, most people had gone home since it was late evening but some workaholics still remained. He sat down at his desk and started looking through the case files. Deviant after the deviant but the information in the files didn't stick, he saw that there was text on the screen but couldn't register it. His mind was somewhere else, he knew exactly where it was. He had to make a choice, right there and then, either to go with it 100% or completely let it go. He was a detective, of course, he couldn't let it go.

In the next moment, Hank had taken up the Detroit Police database on the computer screen. It had the Detroit Police logo and a square with the text 'SEARCH' in it. After a few clicks on the keyboard and a press of the enter button, the exact information that Hank had wanted had popped on the screen. He quickly scrolled passed the initial information like name, age and education, he already knew those things, what was interesting what was his cursor had landed on. 

On the back of his hand, he jotted down four simple words, then he rushed back out of to his car. As the Lieutenant was going to start the engine he had a moment of hesitation, was this the right thing to do, was this his business at all? Well, putting his nose in other's people's business was exactly what he was getting paid for, but this task was certainly not on his payroll. He took a last glance at the back of his hand to remind himself where he was going, 'Macomb Street Apt. 2'.


The water droplets raced down the white tiles of the shower. It smelled of a generic shampoo, running water drowned out all other noise and Faye had a slight taste of soap in her mouth. It hurt to rub the shampoo into her wet hair, the detective's knuckles were red and sore from punching Kamski. As the water cleaned out the shampoo in her hair she looked down at her hands with guilt. Back at the mansion, it was as if she wasn't controlling them, it was something else taking control of her, her animalistic rage. Was that how androids felt before becoming deviants? Out of control? Locked inside a body that they couldn't control? Because that's what Faye felt.

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