Chapter 16: Saving Their Enemy

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Everest's POV

Right when we arrived Gale and Lumi were morphed already, and Kyros, or as I know him as Flames tackled me straight into a building. The guys got morphed as I fought against Flames.

"Come on Flames! I know you're in there!" I hoped as we flew into the sky to battle

"You're friend is gone! Give it up Everest!" Kyros denied, and he sent me into the ground

"Don't listen to me, fine, but I'm not letting you off the hook! Ha!" I shouted as I used my mind telekinesis to hopefully enter Flames's mind

It worked, but it sent Flames crashing to the ground on top of me, and we both hit darkness.

Heckyl's POV

While Everest and Kyros fought it out, myself and the other Rangers took on Gale and Lumi. Tyler, Shelby, James, and Ivan took on Gale as myself, Koda, Chase, and Riley fought Lumi.

I tried talking to both Gale and Lumi before we started but they didn't say anything. All they did in response was get their dino blasters out and shoot.

As we were battling I realized Everest and Kyros weren't moving. I tried to see if Everest was okay, but Lumi blocked my path with her blaster.

"And where do you think you're going?" She asked, her eyes showing a tint of purple like Everest's

"No where, just distracting you," I stated realizing Koda, Chase and Riley were ready to attack

Just as they were about to attack, Lumi caught them off guard zooming out quickly. She was so fast! I didn't even know what hit me when I turned to see she was behind me. She took me down, and I fell next to the guys. Turns out Tyler and his gang had troubles with Gale too. They were soon knocked off their feet next to us. We were all in the ground, the Rangers transformed out of their suits, and Gale and Lumi headed our way. The duo neared closer with every step they took, and when they could've finished us off, they didn't.

They turned to see Kyros and Everest on the floor, Kyros on top of Everest. Instead on finishing us off they made a mistake, deciding to help Kyros, and so they went to attack Everest. When we saw that, we knew we couldn't let them, and so we got up and brushed off the pain so we could protect our friend.

"Heckyl, could you and the others hold off Gale and Lumi for a bit? I won't be long, but I have to get Flames back, this may be my only chance," I heard Everest's voice question, I nodded back hoping she got my point

"Guys! This may sound crazy but, we have to make sure they don't do anything to Everest or Kyros!" I shouted

They gave me confused looks, but trusted me and helped me defend the two from the fearsome duo.

"You'd better hurry up Everest, I'm not sure how much more we have in us," I hoped in my mind

Everest's POV

    I made it inside Flames's mind, and now I needed to find him. It felt like I've been in his mind forever but in reality it's only been probably a few hour.

As I came up to two voices I looked around the corner of darkness to see two figures. One was in a cage and one was outside, the one in the cage, was Flames. The person on the outside was Kyros, and he was yelling at Flames, I couldn't hear everything but I couldn't just watch this go on.

"Hey!" I shouted

"Well well, look who decided to join us...," a shadow, the true Kyros greeted sinisterly

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