Chapter 7: Temporal Ranger

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Kendall's wPOV

It was the next day and as we were working at the zoo, Grace decided to sign up, and work here as well. Turns out from what we all expected Lynx was Grace's friend she mentions about finding her friend. As the day went by fast, and we were closing zoo visits down, Keeper called, so I gathered the guys. Everyone except Philips was there, but that was fine.

"What's up Keeper?" Tyler asked

"Rangers, there has been a disturbance in the Power Ranger Grid. In other words, someone has entered from a different dimension or timeline," Keeper informed

"What? But how?" Shelby questioned

"I'm not sure how, but they're arriving to this place soon. Go outside and bring them here. If they come willingly that'll be easy, if they don't, we mustn't force them too," Keeper explained

"Right, you go guys, I'll stay here with Keeper," I told them

They nodded their heads and they left. Heckyl and Zenowing stayed behind too.

Lynx's POV

We went outside and waited for whoever we were suppose to meet. Then, the person came. There was a Ranger near the woods area that caught my eye, I pointed to them to the guys and we left.

"Hey! You!" Tyler called as the person turned around

"Who are you? How'd you get here?" Riley asked

They stayed quiet and stayed still. The mysterious Ranger had mixtures of blue, yellow, green and red. There were some hints of grey on their suit, and their helmet had a line of black, to see, in the middle of their helmet. They wore a belt with their weapons. Then they changed into a fighting position, and, I'm not joking, they shot ice from their hands. They froze the ground as we dodged it, then fell from how slick the ground was.

"Wait! Mate! We aren't your enemies, we're Rangers too! Power Rangers from this dimension," Chased reasoned

They seemed hesitant at first until our energems reflected off the ice. From there the Ranger's ice disappeared and they stood down.

"I'm the Temporal Ranger. I'm looking for a friend, they're the Chronos Ranger. One of the very few still active Rangers from the original Rangers team other than Tommy," they informed us, the voice sounded like a girl's

"Well, we'll talk more later, follow us," Grace told her, she seemed to understand and followed

"Keeper?" The girl asked as we walked in

"Hm? That voice it can't be," Keeper started

"Can't be what, my friend?" Zenowing questioned

"Zenowing remember that friend I told you about? The one who saved me," Keeper asked, Zenowing nodded his head as realization hit him

"It can't be! We, we saw you," Zenowing started

"But it seems to be that it is. It really is you isn't it, Everest Flare," Keeper greeted

"Yeah, it's me. Long time no see Keeper, Zenowing, you even have Heckyl with you. Snide still with you, Heckyl?" The girl revealed to be Everest asked, as she took off her helmet

She revealed her light turquoise eyes, and hair, a streak of red in her hair. She had pale skin too. Almost similar to Kyros's appearance from what the guys informed us about.

Everest's POV

    After running into the new generation of Rangers from this dimension they took me to their base to meet their sensei. Turns out it was none other than an old friend I saved, Keeper. He was joined by his friend Zenowing, who informed me about someone from Sentai 6 named Heckyl who tried to protect the Dark Energem. In the process he had gained an evil split personality, Snide.

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