Chapter 1: Zapslash! A New Worker

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Kendall's POV

    I was getting everything set for our new member coming tomorrow, and Shelby called me. Now I'm on my way towards the Triceratops place to help her out with the digestion...again (note: I'm going off of the last very episode after they defeated Sledge). 9Once we were done with that I went back to getting things set up, Shelby offered to help so we did it together. The others came around and helped out as well after whatever they were doing. Everything was in place, and now we waited for tomorrow...

~~~the next day~~~

It was the next day and the new guy was seemed to be running a little late. Before I had anything to do with it there was a monster sighting and so I left along with the Rangers to take care of it.

"There it is!" I pointed

"Haha! There you are Rangers! It's time to collect those Energems of yours if you don't mind! Hehe! Now you see me. Now you don't!" The monster started, but after his last sentence he disappeared!

"What! Where did he go? We don't even have them! And who is this guy?" Shelby questioned

"I'm not sure, we may not have them right now, but keep your guard up guys!" Tyler quoted

"Hey there!" The monster greeted, he was right behind me

He slashed me with his katana like sword and I fell down. I didn't react in time to dodge it.

"Kendall!" The guys called

"I'm, fine! Don't worry about me, be careful this one is a fast one, We'll learn why it's here later!" I informed them

They nodded their heads, and charged at the monster, but before they did he disappeared again. It felt useless, it was too took us down one by one.

"If only we had Philips to stop him along with James...or Koda and Ivan," I thought to myself

Philips wasn't here because he was in New Zeland, James left to research more of the world, Koda and Ivan left back to their real time homes. Makes sense, but it was unfortunate for us. That only left myself, and the other four. Then of course Zenowing stayed with Keeper during the time.

I didn't have time to be in my thoughts too long, because the monster was headed straight towards us. None of us could do anything, not without our Energems that is...

"Hmm, you don't seem to have them, oh well. I'll destroy you here then...oh, and before I go I might as well tell you my name. I'm Zapslash, I zap," the monster started, and disappeared

"And slash!" He finished, he was right behind me again, I waited for impact, but it never came

I turned around to see what happened, and the monster was on the ground. There was a blue fire lit on the monster, and then it disappeared along with the monster itself.

"Strange...," I thought to myself

I got up, and helped the others. We headed back to the zoo, and waited for the new person to come, hoping they didn't already leave. I helped tend to the guys' injuries too, and my own.

"Ugh, Zapslash...I don't remember that monster anywhere," Tyler commented

"I think we should be more worried about there being a monster! And he knows about the Energems, but we don't even have them!" Shelby stated

"Well whatever happens, happen. I hate to say it, but for now we need to just act like we would, especially for this new comer we'll have. We'll talk about the monster later, and hope Keeper comes back if this gets bigger...," I joined in

They all nodded and got back to work. Luckily the monster didn't show up anymore that day...

???'s POV

    "What! Master why did you force me off?! I was this close to defeating them!" Zapslash questioned, but stood down after I stomped my foot on the ground

"Ah! I'm sorry! Master please forgive me!" Zapslash begged

"Oh, why should I? It's your fault you left without my permission...," I pointed out

He gave a weak whimper off forgiveness, and I did a hard sigh.

"Whatever, did they have them?" I asked

"No sir, they weren't wearing them when I encountered them, and someone mentioned they didn't have them," He informed me

"What!? They didn't have them? Well, well, this just got interesting...," I said to myself

"I'm sorry master! Please let me get another chance!" Zapslash begged, after I forced him off the battle field, because he left without my permission

"Alright, fine, but this time, I know where you are. You will bring them to me I'll give you a certain location to go to. Without their Energems they're powerless to stop you," I stated

He nodded and left zapping away. He was always one of my favorites, even if he does get annoying. Well, time to have some fun...

Kendall"s POV

    It wasn't very long after the fight, and tending to our wounds did the guy finally show up, late much huh....

"Ah! Sorry Miss. Morgan! I had some things to attend to, and my flight got in real late! I hope you can forgive me," the man panicked

He wore a black coat with a maroon like t-shirt underneath, and he had red hair and light red eyes. He wore black pants, and sneakers underneath.

"It's find, don't worry, just don't be late next time, and flight? I thought you told me you lived here over the phone...," I questioned him

"Oh well, you see I used to live here, but that was a long time ago. I just now decided to move back due to an unfortunate event. I'm sorry again, oh and I'm Lynx, Lynx Servine. Pleasure to meet you," the man answered bowing in a formal manner

"Oh okay, and really it's fine, I'm Kendall Morgan, but you can call me Kendall. The pleasure is all mine, over here are Shelby, Tyler, Chase, and Riley", I introduced the others to Lynx

They all introduced each other and got along well, the rest of the day went smoothly, and after the work was done I talked to the others.

"Kendall, this is crazy! We can't deal with Zapslash or any other monsters if more come! Not without the Energems!" Shelby complained

"She's right you know," Chase complied

"I know, but for now we're going to have to try. It's better than something happening without our help," I reasoned

"Guys let her figure it out. I'm sure we'll be fine," Tyler joined

They nodded and left for the day. I sighed and went back to where our base entrance use to be. I missed it, and it's not here because we never became rangers during this time.

On my way home I could feel someone was watching me, but I didn't know who. I kept my guard up all night, and the next morning I didn't get any sleep...

"Who was it...," I wondered
To Be Continued...

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