Chapter 2: Energems? Zapslash Returns

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Heckyl's POV


    "Zenowing, go take care of the workers," I ordered, he nodded his head and took off

I headed off my direction towards where the newly born energems were made. Keeper sent me and Zenowing to and the two to collect the energems.

After I defeated the man in the lab the energems were gone. Zenowing and I had no clue where the were, and then we saved the test subjects the people were using.

"Gale!" Lumi shouted

She was getting sucked into a portal. I didn't realize a portal formed, neither did Zenowing. It was taking Lumi along with Gale.

"Lumi! Gale! Grab on!" I shouted back, but it was too late they were sucked into the portal

"LUMI! GALE!" I screamed out of anger and sorrow


I woke up with a startle not realizing I screamed the two comrades' names. Turns out I woke up Zenowing too on accident, whoops.

"Young Keeper, Heckyl, are you alright...," he asked calmly

"It's fine, it's just...Gale and Lumi. More nightmares again," I answered, he hummed I'm response

"I see, I know it can be hard not knowing where they are, but rest assure. Those two are strong fighters, they'll be fine. We'll visit the rangers soon, once we get the Dark Energem sorted out," he reassured me

I nodded my head and we went back to bed...

James's POV

    I was digging around near a Mosasaurus rib cage fossil, and I saw a glint of a light blue like color coming through the dirt near the body. It looked like an energem, just like my color when I found my, but this was a more minty color. I examined it carefully and knew it was definitely an energem, but the question was...why here? I though Keeper took all ten, and wait, ten, ten Energems, there's no other energems, other than Shelby's dino charger for the megazord for the Spinosaurus. After discovering my find, I left the big hole I was in, to leave for the Dinosaur Zoo, and inform the others.

On my way I hadn't realized they texted me, apparently a monster attacked, claiming to be Zapslash. Well, this just got worse than it could've already...

Tyler's POV

    I was a little bored on my day off, and decided to go search for some dinosaurs, turns out there were some fossils laying around, clean like they were extinct. I found a real unique fossil, looked like a head, it was a Carcharondontosaurus, looked similar to a T-res head. I was taking some photos of it, and went to examining it, when I did, I saw a red glint coming from where the bones users, and checked it out. It strangely reminded me of the glint I saw when I found my Energem.

    When I got closer I dug out the gem and it turns out to be an energem. Why here? There's only ten Energems. I contacted Kendall about this and we're all gathering to the lobby in the zoo to talk, and apparently my dad will be there, as well as Prince Philips.

Kendall's POV

    Both Tyler and his father James contacted about finding a gem similar to an energem and so I called up the rest and we'll be meet very soon at the lobby. Prince Philips can come, so he's going to be here too.

"Kendall!" I heard a voice call, it was Tyler

"Hello Tyler, you're late," I stated, he was the last one to come

"Sorry, I was far out looking at some dinosaur bones, but look, I found this...," he started, and showed me a ruby like crystal in his hand

I looked through it and stopped when my consciousness had been correct.

"An Energem?" I questioned, everyone else was shocked

"Yea, I found it near some Carcharondontosaurus bones...," Tyler stated

"Hey, along with him, I found one too...," James spoke up showing his, this was a minty blue, very similar to his

"It was near a Mosasaurus rib cage," he explained

"Hmm, are they yours you think? Did they bond to you? They look similar to yours," I asked, they shook their heads

"I don't understand, Keeper told us there are Ten Eneregems, other than the Dark Energems,-"

"Why...," I ended Riley's statement

We couldn't think long because people started screaming outside. We all ran towards where the screams were and we saw Zapslash again.

"Haha! There you rangers are! Ohh, what are those I see, it's my speed towards your leads! Give me those Energems now!" The monster demanded, and charged at us

"Whatever you do don't let him or anyone else get ahold of those energems," I quoted, and the guys nodded

He zapped by us so many times, taking us down, but we'd just get back up every time. He started getting annoyed, but before we thought he left he knocked Tyler down and Tyler let go of the energem.

"Hehe! It's mine!" The monster called, before he grabbed the energem there was a lightning spark that knocked the monster off guard

I knew that lighting well. We all looked over towards where it came from. It was Heckyl.
To Be Continued...

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