Chapter 11: Her Disappearance & His Return

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Tyler's POV

    We ran back to the base, and found Kendall talking with Heckyl, and Keeper and Zenowing we're listening in.

"Hey guys! We need your help! It's Grace! She was kidnapped by some Vexs!" I shouted as we ran up to them

"What?" Kendall asked perplexed

"Grace was kidnapped by the Vexs m'lady," Ivan stated

"No but...wait...where's Eve," Kendall started

"Eve? I'm not sure. I haven't seen her since...she left...," I answered

Everyone else nodded their heads, I had completely forgotten about Eve, she was always so quiet, even if she gets along with the others fine. As we were started to panic about Eve's disappearance and Grace getting trapped, a portal appeared in the base, and when we saw who came out we were in shock. It...was Lynx...

"Hey guys, miss me?" Lynx questioned casually, but...something seemed off about him

Heckyl's POV

"Hey guys, miss me?" Lynx greeted

I wasn't for sure why my senses were all heightened but something just told me to keep my guard. I stood down for now, but not taking my guard down, no yet, I bet everyone felt this vibe.

"Lynx! Your back! Where were you? What happened? Eve told us you were captured! How'd u escaped?" I welcomed in a fake sarcastic and false cheering voice only the Rangers new about

I used it to my advantage that Lynx, Grace and Eve didn't know too much about me, so I used my fake cheering to show the guys something was up, like in a secret code. They seemed to understand and played along, not making it too obvious.

"It's a long story. I just thought it'd be nice to check in with you guys, y'know before you get worried. I'm tired right now, so if you don't mind I'm going to head home to rest, see ya," he explained as he took his departure

Once we knew he was gone, I started the conversation about what Kendall and I talked about.

"Wait, so you're saying you figured out Kyros's goal?" Tyler questioned

"Not exactly but it's a work in progress, we think it's his goal, but we aren't for sure yet. Think about it though, it's the only thing that makes this all add up...which means," I informed starting to put the prices together slowly

"Means what?" Shelby asked worried

"Okay, now this might be insane, but...what if...Lynx and Grace are traitors," I wondered

Everyone gave me a shocked face even Keeper and Zenowing if you can't tell.

Lynx's POV

    I was leaving the base and ran as far as I could making sure no one followed me. When I was near the woods, I brought out my hidden Ultra morpher and communicated with Lumi.

"Hey, you there?" I asked whispering

"Hello? Oh hey there ——," she greeted

"Don't call me that now, look, I managed to fool the Rangers. They still think I'm one of them, but they're suspicious about you know who. They've found out Everest is what?" I informed

"Hmm, I have a plan, let's try to persuade master to let us borrow something. We can use Everest's disappearance to our advantage, and make sure they don't suspect anything about you know who," she answered and she hung up

I sighed and teleported myself to master's base.

Eve's POV

I woke up, and tried moving. I realized soon enough I was shackled both hands and feet, and I was in some cell.

"Ahh, you're awake...," a voice greeted

"Who are you! Are you Kyros? Where's my friend!" I demanded hoping to get some answer

"Well, well, aren't you a smart one, Eve...or should I say, Everest Flare," he ended revealing himself

He wore a black cloak, revealing his face, black hair with red highlights all over, it reminded me of Andros's style. In his hair something stood out, however even without noticing that it was his eyes gave it away. Dark crimson eyes, glowing as he knew I figured it out. It wasn't too hard, especially noting he took off my necklace and it was glowing in the sideline. I could see something glowing under his cloak, it was a red glow too.

"You're!" I started, but never got to finish as he put me to sleep

"Go to sleep, I'll make sure we can stay together here...and get along...,"
To Be Continued...

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