Chapter 3: A New Threat Kyros

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Kendall's POV

    Heckyl had come to our rescue, and he wasn't alone, oh no, he had Zenowing, Koda and Ivan!

"Guys!" Tyler called

"We're glad to have you back!" Riley added

"Right, but now friends need help!" Koda replied giving us our Energems, along with Ivan

"Great, let's get to it! Dino Charger! Ready! Unleash the Power! Ha! Power Rangers! Dino Super Charge!" We all shouted after transforming

Heckyl stood to the side, I almost didn't realize it was Heckyl from his new attire. He wore a maroon/burgundy like red cloak like Keeper.

Heckyl's POV

The Rangers were taking care of this new monster and after they got it down, it left and ran away. To where? I'd like to know, but now wasn't the time. We all headed back to the now Dinosaur Zoo and Kendall made a temporary base in there. We'll obviously have to improve it or move it somewhere else before then.

"So, what're you guys doing here? Is Keeper with you?" Shelby asked

"We should be asking you the same question. Other than knowing this is your home. Keeper is back at the old base. What were you doing fighting against that monster?" I asked back

"Well first, Zapslash fought us first. He was endangering the lives of other people so we had to intervene even without our Energems," Shelby noted

"We should head back," I noted

After we did that we co tinged the conversation.

"So the reason for attacking you?" I began

"I think it's now because of what James and Tyler them," Shelby answered

Tyler and his father held out their hands, and I was shocked at what I saw.

"How! There's no way! Why...why were they here of all places. Does that mean they're here too?" So many questioned bombed my head I lost focus

"Heckyl? Heckyl...hello? You in there?" Shelby waved her hand in front of my face to get me out of my thoughts

"Ah, yes, sorry I'm's just...," I started

"These are the new energems created by you humans. Humans who had the power to make two functional energems and used them in tests," Zenowing explained

"Yes...I...Zenowing and I were tasked to collect the energems and destroy them. They aren't needed," I ended

"What? But they could help if we use them like how we use our Energems," Shelby pointed out

"Thirteen Energems is too much, especially for two made by humans. We have no idea what they're capable of...," Keeper stated

"And...they were going to test them on humans. Humans they treated horribly, but...they...," I started saying, but couldn't finish

It was too much losing Gale and Lumi, even if I didn't know them well. I switched my clothes with magic, after I teleported out of the base. I hated crying in front of others, no, I hated crying in general, but it was too much...too much to handle. So I left to deal with my problems on my own.

Kendall's POV

After Heckyl, what if felt like, stormed out of the room, he teleported away and everyone was silent.

"What's his deal?" Riley asked

"Riley! Don't ask if he just teleports out of here!" Shelby argued

"What? I'm just wondering," he commented back

"Zenowing, is it because of them?" Keeper asked getting everyone's attention

Zenowing nodded his head. Keeper sighed, and he turned to us to explain, but before he could there was a scream. We ran outside to find Zapslash was back, Keeper stayed back at the base. It looks like Zapslash wasn't alone either. Next to him was a man with black hair with dark red highlights all around (A/N like Andro's style). He also had a highlight of a dark turquoise blue, dark crimson eyes, and was wearing a black cloak covering his pale skin.

"Who are you?" Tyler asked

"You can call me Kyros. Remember it well, this is a warning Rangers...," the man replied and then he shot a fireball from his hands and they were gone

We all have each other looks of confusion, and then we ran back inside to inform Keeper.

"Rangers, this may be a bigger threat than we thought. We must be prepared," Keeper warned and we kept that in mind

I was still wondering though...where did Heckyl go?
To Be Continued...

Power Rangers Dino Super Charge: Two New Energems?Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz