22. You're My Priority

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A few months had passed, and [name] had stopped her job as a model. Oyakata-sama had decided to officially open up the orphanage center at Kimetsu Academy where the kids will be spending their day time at, and families are allowed to come and view, to adopt as well.

She had opted to work as the caretaker for the children while her parents have officially retired and are resting well in the Shadow Estate, which was now fully opened and exposed to the public. Not like as if, people would be entering the place in the first place.

And here she was, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

All the children were asleep as it was nap time, and [name] quickly got up, and as silently as possible left the daycare room and ran to the toilet. She whizzed passed Giyuu along the way, and he noticed the pale expression that was shown on her face.

Being extremely worried about his older sister figure, he waited for her outside of the toilet. He could hear the harsh sounds of her puking and the way her throat burnt. He could feel it. He soon heard the flush of the toilet, and [name] soon came out.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking a little concerned at how pale [name] looked. Students soon saw [name] together with Giyuu, and then they started to whisper. Who would have thought that the satanic gym teacher would have a soft side for the ex-model?

[name] then nodded slightly, and soon she heard the familiar heartbeat of her lover, making his way down the hallway. He soon saw [name] slumped over with Giyuu supporting her as much as he could, and he then gently tugged her on the waist.

"You're sick, are you?" he asked, and [name] shook her head.

"I was perfectly fine in the morning," she whispered, her voice a little hoarse from the puking she had done earlier on.

"Let's bring you to the doctor," he spoke out, and [name] shook her head.

"What about school?" she asked.

"You're my priority,"



"By doctor, I thought you meant the hospital or something. I didn't expect you to bring me to the Butterfly Estate," [name] whined out as Hazaki prepared the necessary equipments to check what is going on with his niece's body.

"When was your last period?" he asked as he looked at [name]'s throat.

"Did you put on weight?" he asked, as he withdrew and noticed [name]'s cheeks seems to be a little more chubby than usual. [name] then unconsciously squished her own cheeks, trying to determine if she had gained weight.

"She said her period had stop coming for a few months already," and Hazaki then raised an eyebrow.

"Are you pregnant? Did you guys do it?" and [name]'s face flushed red when she remembered that session she had with Tengen for the first time. Tengen's eyes then widened as everything seemed to click.

"Just to make sure, we will run some tests and you will receive the results in about an hour after the tests have been done. Have you eaten anything?" Hazaki asked and [name] shook her head as Hazaki proceeded with the test.



It is confirmed, you are two months pregnant!" and [name]'s eyes widened in surprise.


"I don't know if nii-san would actually be happy about it, after all, you guys aren't officially married," Hazaki commented, and then he smiled at the worried look that [name] had. Her eyes then widened when she saw Tengen walking out of the room.

𝙠𝙣𝙮, 𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ