01. Beginning

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A/N: A big shoutout to JessicaMGarcia4 for requesting this. I'm honestly having a lot of fun writing with this plot. Heh.


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Akane [name], a mere 12-years-old girl who grew up in a shinobi clan. She was admired by many for her beauty and her capability in keeping up with the adult training. She was to be the successor of the clan, only till a dreadful day fell upon the clan.

Her father was extremely strict with her when it comes to training. Often making her train starting from dawn all the way till the sunsets, while her mother could only watch as her daughter grew a stronger exterior as days goes past.

The day where the clan was killed, it was a rather peaceful day. Her father had let her off from training the moment the sun had set for he was proud that his daughter had managed to complete the rigorous training regiment that he had thought of.

He ruffled her brown hair with a wide smile on his face which [name] adored for it wasn't something she would see often. Her dark blue ocean eyes held nothing but pure admiration for her father for he was in old age, yet he was able to move about like a young man.

"Father, can we have some onigiri for dinner?" she asked and her father chuckled heartily.

"You've done well, I'm sure your mother wouldn't mind to prepare it," he spoke and soon stopped when he saw his wife running towards them in a frantic manner.

"Hazuki-san, Hazuki-san! The clan is being attacked by an unknown being!" she cried out and Hazuki immediately took off running towards their estate with his daughter and wife following him close behind.

Hazuki's eyes widened when he saw a demon in the estate, tearing at flesh of his people. He got out his kusarigama (a weapon that has a sickle and a weight and looks very complex. They are connected with a chain) and managed to wrap the chain around the demon and tugged him forward.

"Father!" [name] cried out when the demon lunged forward and ripped her father's throat out in such a quick manner. [name]'s mother immediately pulled [name] away before the demon could notice them and the duo ran out of the house.

"Mother! Father, father!" [name] cried out and her mother hushed her.

"Quiet, if not it will follow us too!" and her mother's ears perked up when she heard the sound of something coming towards them at a rapid speed. She turned and immediately dodged the oncoming attack of the demon, pushing [name] behind her.

Her mother quickly dragged [name] away when the dust was up and hid her in the bush a few meters away from the demon. She then gripped [name] tightly by the shoulder, and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"[name], run for your life. Live a normal life, forget about us," her mother whispered as she ushered [name] away from the danger lurking about their territory. [name] was hesitant in leaving her mother, but her eyes soon widened when her mother pushed her away and her head soon rolled off from her neck.

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