20. Execution

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"Where's [name]-nee-chan?" Rui whined out as he sat beside Kimiko, watching Tengen and Himejima training together. It had been 3 days ever since [name] returned from the mission in regards to the demon that looked exactly like Tengen, and none of them had seen her ever since.

Hazaki was told specifically to not give out any information on [name]'s whereabouts. Tengen, being worried, as usual, confronted Oyakata-sama about it, only to return with no news about his soon-to-be wife.

A meeting was soon held on the first day of [name]'s disappearance, and Oyakata-sama had sent out Tanjiro and Inosuke to find out where the demon had gone into hiding. Given that Oyakata-sama is entrusting them with such a major task, Tengen couldn't argue.

After all, it's Oyakata-sama.

The day would often start with morning exercises with each other, and then followed by intense Pillar Training as well. This continued for 3 days, and here Tengen is going up against Himejima.

The children in the orphanage were restless. Not only [name] wasn't around to play with them, Hazuki himself had disappeared too. Haruki knew where her two beloved had disappeared to, and as much as the others insist on her telling them, she kept her mouth sealed.

No secrets were exposed.

Everybody had to go through intensive training for as soon as Tanjiro and Inosuke come back with news about the whereabouts of where the demons hideout were, they would launch their attacks.

Oyakata-sama sat with Amane by his side, as he watched how Haruki was dealing with the children along with his children assisting as well as they were much older than the ones in the orphanage.

Amane then lightly patted him on the hand, and he turned to look at her.

"Do you think, we can finally live in a world free of demons?" she asked, and Oyakata-sama smiled as he intertwined his hand with hers, and looked out far into the garden.

"With these demon slayers, anything is possible,"


[name] dressed in her demon slayer uniform, knelt on the snow, somewhere far from the headquarters, but was still safe as there were wisteria flowers around. She shut her eyes as she listened to her father's movements, his breathing.

"Try to remember, everything you've done from then till now," he whispered out as he walked around [name]. [name] then breathed in and out deeply as her mind soon made its way down her memory lane, worth of many years.

"Hey, wake up already, stop sleeping!" and [name] opened her eyes slightly. She felt cold, and soon realized she was laying in the snow. The confusion was written all over her face, but soon she saw the one who had called out to her. A little girl, whom she recognized to be herself. The little girl soon disappeared, and [name] then noticed her father standing in the snow, together with the little girl.

"Oh, it's this again," [name] whispered to herself as she watched her younger self starting to train in the cold together with her father. She remembered this day clearly, the very first day she started training. Her first task was to watch her father's movements. [name] then walked through the snow, and sat next to her younger self.

"Do you see it?" the younger self asked her, and [name] wondered what she meant. She continued to observe her father's movements intensely.

"You will need it,"

"What is it?" [name] asked, but soon no reply was heard. She then watched as her younger self went up to her father, and soon prepared for training.

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