Take Tharn for example. He's 19 years old, and hasn't found his mate yet. I know he hasn't, because he would've told me if he did. He doesn't seem too worried about it though, which is good. It makes me feel like I don't have to worry if I don't find my mate right away.

It's not that I'm in a hurry to find my mate, anyway. I've just heard some horror stories about people finding out their mates died during childhood, so they're left without a mate, creating a hole in their souls that can never be fixed. For some people, the Moon has mercy on them and provides them with a second mate. But that's pretty rare.

I hope that isn't what happened to Tharn. He's the best person I know, and he deserves to find his mate. I'm sure he'll spoil her and treat her like a queen. Which, she pretty much would be. Tharn's next in line to lead the pack, which means whoever his mate is would become our Luna. Our Luna is pretty much the pack's queen, if you view the alpha as our king. Some people do, some people don't. For me, it's a bit different. Tharn's dad is our alpha, which makes his mother our Luna. They were practically my second parents growing up, so I don't see them like everyone else does. I still respect them and listen to what they say, but I feel more like their son than just another subordinate.

Our pack, the Golden Moon Pack, has claimed a large portion of this city as our territory. That includes my parents' house and the high school. For that reason, the only wolves in our school are from our pack. The other students are simple humans who have no idea that wolves even exist. The pack house is in the center of the territory, where the alpha lives with his family. There's another pack in the city, The Silver Sun Pack, but we maintain a peaceful relationship with them. They stay off our land, and we stay off theirs. There's still plenty of neutral land in the city where both packs are allowed to roam.

"Type!" My mom calls from downstairs. "Hurry up, we're going to be late!"

"Coming!" I shout, smoothing down my tie before slipping on my dress shoes. Tomorrow is a big day for my wolf side, but today is a big day for my human side.

High school graduation.

Finally, I'll be free from the confines of high school. It's just much freedom, as I'll be starting college in the fall. But still, I'm just excited to not be a high school student anymore.

I bound down the stairs to where my parents are waiting. We hop in the car and head towards the center where graduation is held. Upon arriving, I instantly spot another close friend of mine, Techno.

"Hey, No!" I cup my hands around my mouth to make my voice louder. Techno turns around and grins when he sees me. His black graduation gown hangs casually off his shoulders, revealing the white button up shirt and black slacks underneath.

"Hey, Type! Bout time you showed up," he teases. I roll my eyes and grab the garment bag from the car. Unzipping the bag, I pull out my graduation gown and throw it on.

Techno is another member of our pack. He's a beta, which means he's a higher rank than I am, but a lower rank than Tharn. He turned 18 a few months ago, and has been complaining nonstop about how he hasn't found his mate yet. We all just laugh and roll our eyes, reassuring him that he'll find her eventually.

As a beta, Techno is eligible to be chosen as Tharn's second in command once Tharn takes over as leader of our pack. Techno is adamant that he'd be great in that position, but we all think he's too goofy and laid back for the job.

We get positioned in line to walk out for graduation. While we're waiting, a feel someone lightly tug on my sleeve. Turning my head, I see Puifai standing next to me. I instantly smile when I see her. Puifai is the prettiest girl in our pack. She turns 18 in two weeks, so she doesn't know who her mate is yet either. God, I hope she's my mate.

It's Only The Heat [TharnType 18+]Where stories live. Discover now