makes it hard to breathe

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It was only a few days after that week when [Y/N] relapsed. He completely stopped eating, knowing he had gained weight over the course of the week and a half of actually eating.

Sans sat him down when Frisk and Papyrus were out of the house, "it's a bumpy road, kiddo, but you've got this. i believe in you. recovery isn't a straight line, it's difficult and it takes time, but i believe in you."

[Y/N] went for a walk after that, wanting to clear his head. And the beauty of Waterfall was perfect, it made him feel at peace.

Unfortunately, his body was far too used to him eating normally and his vision began to blur and then went black.

He collapsed.

Not long after, [Y/N] was found unconscious on the ground by Undyne. She became worried, having heard Papyrus talk about how much he loved the human.

So she took him to Alphys, who hospitalized him in her lab.

Hours later, the three that [Y/N] lived with got extremely worried. The boy wasn't replying to their calls and he should have been home. Eventually, they started searching for him, asking everyone if they had seen him.

When they got to Waterfall, they found Undyne, who told them where the human was.

They rushed to Alphys' lab in a worried state, concern thoughts racing through their minds as to why he was there. Alphys almost immediately answered the door.

Papyrus was the first to ask questions.


Alphys looked down, "y-you all ca-an see him. He's u-unconscious and I w-want to keep him he-here for a few d-days to mon-onitor him-m. I'll ta-ake you t-to him."

Alphys led the three to the room [Y/N] was in. Tears built up in their eyes when they say him, a tube through his nose and IV's in his arms.

Sans rushed to sit in a chair beside the bed that Alphys had previously been using to stay with the boy in case he woke up.

The skeleton took the boy's hand, "don't you dare die."

pastiche // artistic sans x male reader [completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt