i might be drowning

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After dinner, Sans went up to his room. [Y/N] wondered what he did in there. He would have asked Papyrus, but he was afraid that the skeleton would confront him about not eating.

So instead, he went on a walk, looking around the town of Snowdin (as he had read on a sign as he entered earlier). The air was cold, chilling him to the bone.

The town, just like Papyrus and Sans' home, gave off a comforting aura. The boy wondered if the entire Underground was like that, or if some parts gave off a more dangerous or sad feel. He wondered what everything looked like. What kind of monsters were there, what were they like?

He wondered if he would live to see the rest of the Underground.

There was a tree in the town. A Christmas tree, it seemed. He brushed his hand along the pine needles, loving the scent of the tree. It reminded him of his best friend's house at Christmas, when he would spend the night because he never celebrated the holiday with his "family". He never considered them family.

As he wandered the town, he noticed shops and a restaurant looking place titled 'Grillby's'.

On his way back to the house, he noticed a path through the trees. He wondered what it lead to.

When he got to the river, he wished he hadn't followed the path. It was beautiful, but thoughts nagged at his mind.


He sat down, staring down at the water. He reached his hand down into it, feeling the ice cold water rushing past his hand.

All he could think of was drowning himself. Every thought that ran through his mind was that. He wondered how long it would take for him to drown. Would he even have the willpower?

The boy didn't notice the tears running down his face until they dripped onto his jeans and soaked through, making that spot colder than the rest.

Pulling his hand from the water, he wiped away his tears with his dry hand.


"you okay?" Sans' voice came from behind him, startling him. He quickly turned around, ready to attack if needed.

He still had the knife on him.

"I'm fine."

Cold seeped through his jeans and he wondered why until he realized he was sitting on snow.


Ah, Sans caught his lie. The skeleton walked over and sat beside the teenager.

"Why ask if you already know the answer?" [Y/N] asked, glancing at Sans as he sat.

"wanted to see if you'd lie. why didn't you eat dinner? i could tell you were lying when you said you weren't hungry," Sans questioned.

What, did this man have some kind of superpower to tell when someone is lying?

"I'm just...not a big fan of food," the human boy replied, looking down.


The two fell into a comfortable silence, as per usual. They didn't need to talk, it just helped both of them to know that the other was there. It was comforting.

After a while, Sans finally spoke.

"all the humans that come down here represent some trait. frisk is determination, that isn't hard to tell. what about you?"

"I don't know. What do you think?" [Y/N] glanced at Sans before looking back at the icy river.

"i dunno, really. what do you feel down here?"

"It's nice down here. Comfortable. Like a warm hug."


The boy shrugged, "maybe."

Sans noticed the boy shivering. He forgot that humans got cold. And so, he slipped his jacket off and placed it on the humans shoulders, hoping it would warm him up.

[Y/N] looked at him with a smile. "Thank you."

After a bit more silence, [Y/N] came up with a question.

"What were the other humans like?"

"they all died portraying their trait. patience died waiting, courage died fighting, kindness died being too nice, perseverance kept going until they died, integrity was too honest, justice fought for the good of the humans but died fighting the king."

"Are Frisk and I going to die?"

"i hope not," Sans cleared his throat, "uh, anyways, it's getting late. let's head back to the house. you can sleep on the couch and i'll bring you some blankets and pillows. it's actually pretty comfortable."


The two stood up, walking back to the house. [Y/N] stopped at the tree once more, running his hand along the needles again. It made him smile.

He didn't notice Sans looking at him with a smile.

They continued walking in the cold air until they reached the house, walking inside. The human loved the warmth in the home.

"i'll go get some blankets and pillows, you can wait on the couch."


[Y/N] walked over to the couch while Sans went who knows where and returned with blankets and then went back to his room. Once again, the boy wondered what he did in there.

He was left alone with his thoughts. But eventually he fell asleep.

pastiche // artistic sans x male reader [completed]Where stories live. Discover now