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This fanfiction was written back in early 2018, a good two years ago, and within that time a lot has changed, I have broken myself from this fandom, I still love Dan and Phil, of course, but I don't find myself relating with the fandom anymore, leaving me to just enjoy DNP's content in peace. But, nonetheless, I still have a huge fascination with space, and I absolutely love writing, and creating stories. I strive to get better at writing, and I love the plot I have in mind with this story. 

Conclusion; I'm rewriting it. I know its not even close to finished, but I'm starting from scratch, and maybe one day, it will be finished. To be honest, I like the plot so much, I might draw it into a comic book one day, with time, better writing, and with new characters, of course, but for now, I'll keep Dan and Phil as the main characters. 

I'm leaving the 2018 version I started on wattpad, but the updated one will be on my archiveofourown 

url here;


aka, Sheldon, which is what I used to go by a long time ago 

Live long and prosper :P

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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