chapter six

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"Is that him..?"

Phil looked at the screen in front of him,  showing a small brunette boy, that looked similar in age.

"That's him. Daniel James Howell. Born on the planet Earth, on June 11th 1991. He should be eight years old,  currently as a month ago.. "

"He looks pretty.. "

He mumbled,  not meaning to really say aloud, but its not really everyday he got to see someone that fate chose for him. He could compliment him, could he not?

"Phil, would you like to learn more about Daniel?  As you are going to try and contact him,  so he knows you're coming. It might come to a shock to him,  as he just is a little boy. This isn't immediate,  but the sooner the more he can comprehend, as humans are odd ones. "

Phil nodded. Honestly he was scared of having to go to another planet, seeing a different race,  having to live with those who probably won't accept him.

"Daniel James Howell;
Personality: Kind, imaginative,  creative, etc.
His mother describes him as a bear,  which is an native animal,  intending he is also brave,  adventurous, loyal, and loving.

He has a best friend,  known as 'Christopher Kendall' four years older than Daniel, and has been of his acquaintance for many years. Christopher would describe him as a 'loser' or 'nerd' and there is no known definition to us,  I assume its a compliment of some kind... "

That was a bit to take in for Phil. He seemed lovely.

To be completely honest to himself, he was scared of meeting Dan. How long was it going to be until they met?  What if the machine got him wrong,  and he won't like him, and expose him to the human planet and scary humans ripped his limbs apart!
He just wanted a friend. He never had any on his own planet. And beside the woman with him, he will never meet anyone like him, ever again. As long as she was here,  he didn't feel as alone. 

"Excuse me, miss... If I can ask.. What's your name..? "

Phil spoke with a small voice as he interrupted what she was previously saying.

"Oh,  me?  I'm so sorry,  we're the last two of our kind,  and I never introduced myself have I? My name is Louise, Phil. But thays not important as..."

Louise paused. It didn't sound like she was going to continue.  She had a face of pity.  Not that she felt sorry for me, but one that made her seem like she did not want to tell me something. that made me feel so small,  and i already felt that enough as it is,  I mean,  I just dealt with the destruction of my entire planet, I think I could take what she had to say..

"You can tell me.. "

"You'll find out soon enough, Phil,  okay..? Very soon.. Let's get some sleep now,  okay..? "

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