chapter four

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(n.) an ache for a distant place;
the craving for travel

I have found myself awake on my bedroom floor, alarmed and sweaty from what must've been a dream I had that night.

The previous acts of last night came to me clearly, as I ran up to my radio, seeing what the hell had happened, if anything was broken, or most importantly, left a sign or a message behind.

His speaker, no doubt about it, was fried beyond fixing. Everything else seemed to be fine, except headphones, which was a bit odd. A speaker and headphones weren't really expensive to replace, but it would leave a dent in his savings account, not to mention the equipment he had was somewhat old. But what was really suspicious, is that in the corner of the radio, where there was a satellite connected, there was a little green light blinking. For one, Dan had never noticed that light being there before, and he studied technology and engineering. But maybe it was normal. Secondly, even if a light could be there, all of the lights he had were either red, yellow, or blue.

He sighed into his hands, and realized Chris had to hear that last night, he should apologize and possibly ask if he could pay for dinner supplies for a month or two.

He ran out of his room, hair an absolute mess, into the kitchen, finding Chris at the diner table, face full of cereal.

"Chris, I cant fucking believe last night, I'm so sorry for the noise, and if there is any damage around the flat, I'll pay for it I swear, and I need to go to the library again today, also can you pay for meals for a month? " Dan practically spoke so fast it was incomprehensible.

"Dan, what the fuck? You look like you got hit by a spaceship. And what noise are you talking about? Are you okay? And hell no, we pay equally"

"You didn't hear anything..? "

"Was I supposed to? What did you have a guy over? " He smirked, not even taking dan seriously anymore.

"Chris, I'm serious, you honestly didn't hear that? That weird, loud as hell, noise? I almost went deaf and passed out. "

"Dude, your dreams are messed up. There's some coffee on the counter there. " He gestured towards the counter, taking another bite of his cereal.

"I swear, Chris, it wasn't a dream. If anything my dream was... "

What was his dream? It was so weird. Last night in general was weird. He could barely remember bits and pieces of his dream. The sky was red. Really red, almost unnatural. There were two people... No wait, three. And they were running. The next thing I remember was tears, and space. But that wasn't odd. I dream. of space a lot. There was a lot of space. Much more realistic this time. I don't remember anything else about the dream.

"Earth to Dan..? "

He shook his head, and looked up at Chris. He took his mug of, probably cold, coffee. "Sorry, I was just thinking.. Anyway, I'm going to do some research shit at the library, feel free to come along, and stalk that hot librarian. "

"Hell yeah! Except, I don't stalk, i admire. Without him thinking, i really try not to be creepy. I'll meet you there later, though. Also please fix your hair. You look like shit. "

I nodded, taking my coffee, rushing into my room, getting a fresh pair of clothes and went into the bathroom, look myself in the mirror finding, he was right. Not only was my hair curly, it was messy as all hell. I just brushed it forward, not caring for the curls. My emo stage was long gone, along with straighteners. My sexuality in a nutshell.

My looks were the least of my worries anyway, I ran down the hallway and out the door to my flat, making my way to the library I spend, almost all my free time at.

a/n ;
bit shorter, I apologize. 😌

-sheldon 👽

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