chapter five

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a blank space, a missing part

The walk to the library seemed more... Unusual than the other trips I have taken. Its not that it was 'holy shit, there was a meteor shower that destroyed all of london' kind of unusual, it was more of that feeling of the walk that was unusual. It was most likely about what happened last night, or the strange dream. But something felt off.

For example, on the tube, there was this young girl just sitting with her mother, reading a picture book. Not unusual, right? But then she looked up at me, for a split second, smiled and waved, while her little green eyes twinkled. Sure, she was probably being nice, but the thing is, she had brown eyes. I looked back, and there she was, brown eyed brunette, reading a book to her mother.

After walking a bit after the tube, I did manage to get a bit hungry again, so I stopped by at a little cafe to get a muffin and more coffee. It was a rough night.
Usually, since its just a normal thing, i couldn't help but feel as if I was being watched. But today just felt a bit different than when I was little, always feeling like a was being watched. I managed to get used to the feeling. Bit this time it was a lot different, taking a bite of my muffin, feeling the presence of someone, or something watching my every move.

That aside, I made it to the library, made my way towards the astrology section. Some elderly ladies, who were usually always there, reading something new everyday, were in the corner smiled at me, as it wasn't uncommon for me to end up here.

I grabbed a book about the studies of the universe, and checked about strange noises. Or really anything along those lines, if I couldn't find anything, I'll check the computers.


After what felt like hours of reading, which probably was hours, I hadn't seemed to find any other similar discoveries of the noises I heard last night. Even after looking through different books such as books about stars, radios, technology, the list goes on and on. Perhaps I'm going crazy, and I dreamed up the noises and lights. I couldve dreamt it before the dream about the weird fiery place, and those people. Maybe they were connected in away.

Then it hit me.
I went to 'D' section to find a book about dreams.
I came across a study book about dreams, and the possibility about dreams being visions.

'Imagine you have woken up one morning, and you felt like you experienced the unimaginable. Something so peculiar, it couldn't possibly be real? What has been experienced, was possibly a vision through space, or quite possibly time.' Stuff probably written by a highschooler and snatched by a library.

After reading for some time, I started getting sleepy, checking the time, realizing it was getting late, and I've been here most of the day. I've been reading shit all day to go home with no more information than when I came.

So the library was a waste of time, and I decided to head back home, since it was getting dark.

Taking the tube back, was normal enough, besides the guy next to me, who did not know what personal space was, and wouldn't stop talking. Eventually I put in some headphones, so I hope he got the message that I wasn't listening.

By the time I was walking again, it was dark out. I know I was walking, I should watch where I was going and my surroundings. But right after I had passed a glow of a streetlight, I had looked up, at what I was rewarded with, was a beautiful starry sky. I smiled to myself, and crossed a road, looking back to find an upcoming car, and moved out of the way before they honked their car at me.

I made my way to my flat, calling out to Chris, to see if he was here or not. He most likely was, I don't see why I even try, he's either here playing video games, or with friends, which he and I both have a noticeable lack of.

Although he had just recently been texting someone a lot frequency, which i'll probably stay out of.

"Chris? You home? Where's dinner, you piece of shit?"

I found some leftover pizza on the counter top, and guessed he was out.

I had made my way towards my bedroom balcony, since it was such a beautiful night. It wasn't anything fancy, just a expensive looking telescope that was connected to my computer inside, and a lawn chair.

I laid down on the chair and had a perfect view of the sky. I hadn't realized how late and tired I was, until the stars in the sky started multiplying and getting fuzzy in view.

The next thing I remember seeing was bright lights flying across the sky, shooting stars, I'm guessing, and the next thing, everything was completely black.

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