The next morning!

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I had woken up from the best sleep ever! I looked over, and I didn't see him. I thought I was dreaming, but the room that I was in was very massive it was unbelievable. I walked out of the room, and I smelt some very good food. I went downstairs to the massive kitchen. I saw him cooking.

Clayton: Hey! (I said loudly).

Jimin: AHHH, you scared me!

Clayton: Sorry, bud.

Jimin: it's okay.

So I sat at the table and watched him cook, he was a very good chef. I was surprised. I asked, who taught you how to cook? He responded, "Very funny goofball, you taught me how to cook." I did? I responded. "Yes, you did," Jimin responded back. Oh my bad, I forgot, lol. As he finished cooking, he told me to wait here as he's fixing my plate.

Clayton: No, it's okay. I can make my own plate.

Jimin: No, it's all good. Cute people need food made and ready for them.

Clayton: Oh really? Well, I guess I have to fix your plate too!

Jimin blushed, I saw his cheeks getting redish pink after I said it.

Clayton: Hey, are you blushing?

Jimin: Of course not.

Clayton: Sure you aren't.

I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled. We both made eachothers plates and sat down at a very large table. We sat next to one another, having a conversation and speaking to one another and laughing. It was great. Jimin asked

Jimin: Hey, what should we do today?

Clayton: I have no idea, lol.

Jimin: Hmm... I think I have something in mind!

Clayton: Oh really, what's that?

Jimin: You'll find out, but first, let's finish this food and get ready.

As we finished up the food, we headed to his room and picked our clothing for today. As we had known we bought the same clothing, so we decided to dress the same. We had on a Gucci shirt that was black and golden, shoes that were black and golden, and pants that were black. He took me into his garage, and there were plenty of goodies in there. He said, "Pick one!" I looked around and I saw my dream car, which was the Bugatti Chiron! He said great, and btw this car was here just for you I bought, and never driven it because you love this care so much. I almost started crying!
We went up to the car, and we Litteraly both sat in the car at the exact same time. The car was beautiful it was all white on the outside and red on the inside. I was in the state of shock!

Clayton: How come you never told me you had bought this car?

Jimin: Because I wanted to supriese you. Are you supriesed?

Clayton: Yes, yes, yes, I am. I'm so happy.

Jimin: Good. I love your reactions it was cute.

Clayton: Aww, thank you!

He took me on a very long drive. It's been 3 hrs, and idk where I'm at what so ever I asked Jimin... Hey, where are we going? He responds somewhere you would love! As we had gotten closer to the place, he blind folded me. Tbh, I was scared I didn't know what to do! The car stopped I heard Jimin get out the car, the door shut closed and a few seconds later my door opened, he unbuckled me and I got out the car and he directed me to where we were going!

Jimin: Are you ready?

Clayton: yeah kinda idk?

Jimin: 3...2...1

                             Clayton's pov

He unraveled my blindfold and all I saw were palm trees the sand was completely white and the ocean was blue and very clear I jumped excitedly and I kissed Jimin on the lips and then realized I didn't know we were!

Clayton: Where are we?

Jimin: The Philippines!

Clayton: Wait, really? Are you joking?

Jimin: Nope, look around!


                           Clayton's pov

I gave Jimin a very large hug, I was in tears, and I was shocked and happy. I didn't know what to do except run to the ocean! Jimin and I ran towards the ocean. The water was crystal clear! The far depth of field was blue! I couldn't believe what was happening. I was honestly the happiest person on Earth!

                           Clayton's pov

I had gotten undressed, but I didn't have any swimsuits on me, but Jimin had it in the frunk of his car. I took off my shirt, pants, shoes, and socks. On the other had Jimin had gotten completely naked, and I didn't know what to do with myself.

Clayton: damn man nice body

Jimin: Not as nice as yours!

I couldn't keep my eyes off his six-pack, V line, veins on his arms, and hahaha, you know 🍆😵😵😵😂😂 . He put his swim trunks on.

Jimin: Ready? (He asked).
Without a word, I ran as fast as I could to the water, Jimin was way behind me.

Jimin: Hey, wait for me!

He started running as well, but I was way too far ahead, and it was great. I stopped and waited on him so he could catch up!

Jimin: How are you so fast? I don't understand?

Clayton: it's all in the legs and in my blood!

Jimin: Haha, your butt was very noticeable in those swim trunks.

Clayton: See, this is why I don't let you pick out my clothing!😂😂😂

Jimin: Oh, come on, I just yelled at someone because they looked back there. That's my ass too, look at!

Clayton: Aww, it's nice to see that you are. I love with my butt. Thank you, cutie, for protecting my butt!

We went into the ocean and started swimming for 3 hours, after we swam we were exhausted. We changed into our regular clothes and started walking to the car.

Jimin: Hey, you're driving!

Clayton: Wait, what?

Jimin: You're driving!

He threw me the keys.

Clayton: Wait, wait, wait, I can't. This is too much.

Jimin: Stop it, this is your car!


I screamed for 3 minutes, and finally, we had gotten into the car. I drove all the way to Jimin's house. I was so happy. I said to myself he's the best person in my life.

We had gotten to his place, and he asked

Jimin: Hey, would you like to stay here tonight?

Clayton: Awww, you want me to stay here again?

Jimin: Yes, I love hanging out with you, and I love you so much, and I wanna spend as much time as we can.

Clayton: Haha, you sound like we're dating, and of course, I'd stay.

Jimin: hahaha I love that, yay!

We went to the door and into the house. I started walking to my room, and he stopped me by hugging me. I hugged back, we detached from one another, and I started heading to my room. I turned back

Clayton: Goodnight, bud!

Jimin, goodnight.

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