I never would've thought I'd be on a date with my bestfriend

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Jimin's Pov~

So Clayton and I made it to the london house after our great car ride on the way here. It was very fancy. I didn't realize how fancy it was until we actually got inside the restaurant. Clayton went to the front desk to see if our table was ready, and it was! The waiter kindly showed us to our table, which had flowers all over the booth, roses that said Clayton and my name on it. I've never seen anything like it ever, I didn't know what to do or say it was just magical! It felt unreal to be with the person who i've loved/grown up with my entire life would be here with me as my boyfriend!

Clayton's Pov

Yes, I did work with the restaurant to surprise my Jimin, I wanted to make something special. I knew him my entire life almost, and I can't see us apart at all he's been there with me through thick and thin... When he saw everything he was shocked and started crying and I had to give him a hug because it was a special moment for him and I! I would've never guessed that I would be dating/taking my best friend out on a date, and he's my boyfriend now! Life works in mysterious ways, I tell ya!

Clayton: How are you liking it so far?

Jimin: I'm very, and I mean very grateful; I can't believe you did all this for me.

Clayton: Well, that's not all because I have something else! (Claps his hands)

Jimin's Pov

Clayton says that he has something else for me, and my stomach dropped once he clapped his hands. All I see are 6 waiters making their way to our table with a huge cake with him and our picture at the beach when we kissed each other! I instantly started sobbing it was truly a gift. He was a gift I'd never change it for the world!

Clayton: Happy birthday, babe!

Jimin: I...I...I... Can't believe this! You did all of this for me?

Clayton: Of course I did. You are mine, and I'm yours!

Jimin: starts crying...

Clayton: Awww, stop crying babe you have to make a wish and blow your candles!

Jimin's Pov

I honestly don't know what to say, think, feel. He really did this for me, I'm overjoyed and thankful for having him in my life! I blew out the candles, and I leaned over the table to kiss him and said thank you! After we finished dinner and the cake we started to leave the restaurant!

Clayton: Hey, you aren't gonna jerk me off again, aren't you?

Jimin: Of course not, you're not that special.

Clayton: Ouch... That's too bad. I was gonna punish you when we got home!

Jimin: Oh, maybe I should, haha

Clayton's Pov

It's been a crazy night. we finally got to my place, and Lord behold Jimin's asleep. I don't know how he can sleep in the car like what? But I opened my car door, unbuckled his seat belt, and carried him up into my house and into my bedroom! I lay him down on my bed, and he looked cute sleeping! I tucked him in the covers and kissed him as I left to go take a shower. All I was thinking about while showering was how he was smiling, happy, overjoyed, loving, and thinking who would've thought that the man I'm with right now is my boyfriend! I get out of the shower, and I put on a clean pair of underwear and my clean PJs. I went to the other side of the bed too, go to bed and I put my arm under jimins head and pulled him in closer! Jimin moves over and lies his head on my chest haha I could hear his cute, quiet snoring!

Jimin: Babe, I love you! Goodnight

Clayton: I love you too, goodnight, babe!

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