One: A smile to make my day

Start from the beginning

"I knew it!!!! You're so cute." And as a habit, he pinched my cheeks. I hate this habit of him. I should have stopped him when he was starting his habit.

"Okay, okay, now let's all go up." It's P'Mew.

"Aren't you going to your house?" I asked Earth. He just smiled at me. It's the smile that he shows when he is hiding something from me. I looked at him intensely to force him to tell me what's going on.

"Ugh. Fine. I'll be staying here, Manager already agreed to it." He said. 

I looked at P'Mew.

"It's okay, Kao. He'll share room with Fluke." The old man explained.

"Don't worry P'Kao, I'm fine sharing my room with Master." Fluke said. 

I'm not worried about him sharing room with Fluke. I'm worried that he will bring chaos into this household...

"Whatever you want to do." I said as I picked some of his things to bring up to the house.

"What is it? Why are you crying?" The Phi asked the Nong.

The nanny called the Phi earlier, telling him that the Nong is in the house looking for him.  The nanny also stressed that the Nong is crying.

"Aren't you going to tell me?" The Nong cried harder. The Nong is the son of a family friend. He knew him since they were little. They were not close but, of his brothers, it's only him that Nong can talk to freely.

"P-Phi," the Nong sobbed. "A senior has been threatening me." The Phi raised an eyebrow. How can a high school threaten you? The Phi thought. "He said, he said he will tell everyone that...that...that...I like men...if...if I don't give him my allowance...and...and go out with him."

"What?" The Phi is now angry. He cannot believe what he heard. He wanted to punch something. "Where is he?" the Nong was shocked. He hasn't heard the Phi this angry. "Where is he?" The Phi repeated.

"He...he is at the store around the corner Phi" the Nong knew this because his bully always stays there and wait for him so they can bully him.

"Let's go." The Phi grabbed the Nong's hand and led him to the store.

There, they found the bullies. The Phi did not waste any time. Upon letting go of the Nong's hand, he immediately went up straight to the leader of the bullies and punched his face. Then he grabbed him by the collar.

The other bullies were shocked and stunned. They cannot move. Their boss is being held captive.

"You, how dare you threaten him." The Phi said. The anger in his voice is obvious even if he said it in a calm manner.

The leader bully smiled and laugh. "Oh, so he called his boyfriend." The bully looked disgustingly at the Nong. The Phi tightened his grip on the bully's collar.

"You, useless person, don't you dare lay a hand on him or talk to him or see him again. Otherwise-"

"Otherwise what? What will you use to threaten me?" The bully challenged the Phi.

The Phi smiled. Took his phone while his other hand is still holding the bully's collar.

"Didn't you say that the Angsakul family is proposing for us to invest more in their business? Pull everything out." Everyone was stunned. How can such a high school student do such a thing? Why is he dealing business at such a young age.

"You, are you kidding me?" The bully said.

"You'll see when you get home." The Phi said.

The Phi punched the bully on the face once more before letting go his collar.

"You're just rubbish in this society. Threatening the weak to make you look stronger? Giving a disgust look because a person likes men but you yourself ask him to go out with you?" the Phi smirked, the disgust in his face is obvious.

"Let's go." The Phi said to the Nong.

Before they can even go, the bully stood up, grabbed the Phi in his shoulder and gave him a punch in the face.

The Phi was ready to counter attack but the guards already arrived to stop them.

"Phi, thank you." The Nong said as he cleans the wound of  the Phi. The Phi did not say anything. The Nong smiled. "Thank you, really, Phi. Even if we are not close, you still helped me." His smile is still there. The Phi couldn't help but look into those metals attached to the Nong's teeth.

The Phi nodded. The Nong smiled brighter. The Nong is so happy and touched he wanted to pinch the Phi's cheeks.

Without knowing it, the Nong is already pinching the cheeks. They're soft, he thought. Who would have thought that the cheeks of the Phi are soft. The Phi always look stoic and such, the Nong thought.

"But who cares. From now on, I want to be his friend. I want to be friends with him, forever and ever." The Nong thought as he continue pinching the Phi's cheeks.

"Won't you let go?" Asked the Phi, already irritated.

The Nong smiled, let go of the Phi's cheeks and said, "You're so cute, Phi."

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