Scene 1

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INT. Picking up the Phone

The scene opens with our main character, TODD, appearing nervous and troubled as he sits on his bed, looking nervously at his phone on his desk, untouched. TODD, with a sudden urge of confidence/cowardice, reaches for the phone as he starts texting the numbers on the dial, looking at a sticky note of a phone number, along with the name MARLIE on it.


Nope. Nope. Nope. I can't.

TODD stops and places the phone back on the desk. A cutscene is shown TODD leaving his room, abandoning the phone. As soon as he leaves his room for a few seconds, he comes back.


This is so stupid...

We see TODD punch the numbers down on the dial and calls her. As soon as he waits for her to answer, TODD quickly hangs up in fear. He tosses the phone aside and places his hands on his face, frustrated.



As soon as TODD finishes his statement, his phone rings.



It's Marlie!

Thrilled, TODD reaches toward his phone, his hands fumbling as he gets up and tidy himself, quickly realizing what he's doing.


(to himself)

What am I- oh! Jeez, answer the phone!

TODD sighs with frustration as he shuts himself up and answers the phone.


Marlie? Is that you? Listen, I have been- watching you. Wait- that sounds wrong. WHAT I really meant to say is that- I have been looking at your body- No, wait, that sounds so much worse... Okay, look... I think you are a really nice person. I really enjoy seeing you come into class and watch you explain what we learn but that's not the main thing I really want to say to you. Look, I really- like you. I think you're such a nice person to be with- and I don't mean like a good friend- I don't mean it like that- I mean if you think of it like that, well, your totally wrong about that- Okay, I'm gonna say it! Since the Homecoming dance is coming, Marlie, I just want to say that I- I would like to- go out... with you... to the dance. I want to go on a date with you to the dance! Will you go on a date with y- Me!?

TODD is breathing heavily as he waits for MARLIE to reply. Instead, silence is only given.


(breathing heavily)

Marlie? You there?


Breath, idiot.





(in a feminine voice)

No, this is Marlie. (real voice) Of course, it's Bennie! What the heck was all that?!


You- you heard what I said? Everything?


Um, yeah. How am I talking and listening to you right now?

TODD's face sinks into disappointment as he sits down on his bed.


Oh. I just- I just thought- you were Marlie-


Christ, Todd. all that crap you just said was for Marlie?!




What in the world were you trying to say?!


I was trying to ask her out-


My God. That is not how you ask out a girl.


I sounded really bad.


No dip, Sherlock. You sounded just like my Grandpa Bill with his stuttering problem. The poor old guy couldn't even say "stop" when my grandma keeps stuffing him up with peas.


Man, I'm in so much trouble...


Hey, listen, Caleb is gonna hang out with me at around four in the afternoon. You should come over. Caleb and I could... try to help. I mean, the way you were trying to talk to Marlie- well, to me... God, you are terrible. Also, bring David with you, if he's available.

Ask Her Out (a short film screenplay)Where stories live. Discover now