Chapter 61

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Ms Hill dropped me off outside my house. I wanted to stay with Elena, but I also wanted to clear my head after everything that'd happened today.

I unlocked the front door and walked inside. I took of my shoes and kicked them aside. I went into the kitchen to find my Dad making lunch for him and Mom since they don't work Mondays. He smiled at me but I couldn't find the energy to smile back.

"What's up kid" he said, patting me on the back. Where was I meant to start? I felt numb to everything around me. I leaned on the counter and kept my head in my hands. I shut my eyes tight so no tears could escape my eyelids.

"Mattia?" said my Dad, coming over to me. He scruffed my hair with his big hands, and I looked up at him.

"Yeah?" I said, trying as best as I could to hide my emotions. But he'd already seen how red my eyes were, and the tear streaks going down my face.

"Son, what happened?" he asked with concern. I was about to tell him everything but Mom burst through the door.

"Something smells good" she beamed at my Dad, coming over to kiss his cheek. She had a slightly different reaction compared to Dad when she saw me.

"Mattia Polibio why aren't you at school?" she said, folding her arms.

"Take it easy on him Amor, I think something happened" said Dad quietly to her. She raised her eyebrows at him, and looked at me.

"This better be good Mattia" she said, going to get drinks out of the refrigerator. I didn't know how I was supposed to say it. I didn't even think about the words coming out of my mouth.

"Elena's moving to England" I blurted out. When I said it, it seemed so much more realistic. I really was going to lose her. I tried to hold back the seething avalanche of tears in my eyes but it was useless. As soon as the first tear got away, the rest followed it. Mom came rushing over to me and pulled me into a hug. I've never cried like that over anyone. My heart was heavy, and I felt like there was no way I could change this situation.

"Baby please stop crying" said my Mom, stroking my hair as if I were a child again.

"But I'm gonna lose her Mom, she's my everything" I cried as my voice cracked.

"Why don't you go over to her now? Take some food and spend the evening with her" suggested my Dad, and I wiped my eyes. My Mom nodded in agreement, but I knew Elena would want to be on her own right now.

"No" I said, resting my head on my hand "I'll see her tomorrow, she's been through so much today"

"When does she leave?" asked Dad, but Mom nudged him.

"Why would you bring it up again?" she whisper shouted at him.

"I don't know" I answered. That was the last thing I wanted to think about at this point. My head was spinning, and my eyes were stinging. Mom had clearly noticed cause she put two of the tacos Dad had made in a plate, and bought them over to me.

"Eat these if you want and go take a nap honey" she said, kissing my head.

"Thanks Ma" I said, taking the plate and heading to my room.

I placed the plate onto my dresser and went over to my bed. I saw Elena's lip gloss left on the nightstand and smiled. But my smile was quickly replaced by a frown when I realised there was a possibility I might never fucking see her again. The next thing I knew I was seeing red, and punched my fist into the wall. Pain shot through my veins, causing me to stumble back, holding my fist in my hand. The walls were concrete, so the only the only damage done was to my fist. I walked over to my bed and sat on the end. Nothing felt right anymore. Just as Elena and I were getting closer, this happens. My chest became heavier and I laid back on my bed. I closed my eyes  and tried not to think about the current situation.

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