Chapter 43

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I made my way to my locker before lunch to put some books away. Mattia said he'd meet me at the lunch tables with the rest of the boys. I got to my locker and set my bag on the ground, before entering the code.

I opened my locker and a note I had carelessly left in my math book fell out. I knew it was irrelevant but it made me remember the last time a note fell out my locker. And what it lead to. I blinked back tears and tried to get him out my head.

"Hey" said a voice behind me. I knew it was him but I stayed facing my locker. I had nothing to say to him.

"Elena please just hear me out" he said. His tone was desperate but I rolled my eyes. I wasn't letting him see me weak.

"Elena" he pleaded, teaching forward and placing his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off immediately.

"Don't you dare touch me Kairi" I said angrily. He raised his hands up in surrender and looked down.

"I'm sorry about Alicia and what she said" he said quietly. People were starting to stare but I'd happily cause a scene if it made him feel just half as humiliated as I was when Alicia threatened me.

"Sorry? How many times have you said that? Do you really think sorry cuts it everytime you break my heart?" I said, the tears were starting to build up again and I tried to get rid of the lump in my throat.

"I don't know what to say" he said, keeping his eyes fixed on the ground.

I shook my head and threw my books in my locker.

"You never do Kairi, that's the problem. I'm here trying to heal after everything we've been through" a tear slipped down my cheek and my voice cracked "and you just keep breaking me".

I wiped my eyes and Kairi looked up at me.

"I didn't mean to cut you this deep Elena, it was never my intention to hurt you" he whispered.

"But you did" I shrugged, closing my locker. He opened his mouth but no words came out. Nothing I wasn't used to before.

"Not only did you hurt me, you hurt the boys too. A.K.A your bestfriends who have been there for you through everything. And you spoke to Mattia like he was a piece of shit? Who the fuck are you Kairi?" I said, wiping away more tears.

"Baby!" screeched a voice from the other side of the hall. Alicia came rushing over to Kairi and linked arms with him. I rolled my eyes and picked up my bag. Kairi sighed and freed himself from Alicia's grip, taking a step towards me.

"Isn't there something I can do to stop you hurting?" he begged, his voice was sincere this time.

"There is" I smiled at him. He smiled back and looked thankful.

"Stay the fuck away from Mattia and I" I said in an affirmative tone, causing him to hang his head in shame.

"Why are you letting this bitch hurt you baby" uttered Alicia, taking Kairi's hand. This time I didn't feel sick looking at the both of them, I felt emotionless. I felt like there was no more room for Kairi in my heart.

I laughed at Alicia's comment "if only you knew the full story"

"You really are an evil bitch" she snarled at me. I took a step towards her and she held onto her purse a little tighter. I could've hurt her, but I knew how disappointed Mattia would be.

"You're lucky I love Mattia, cause if I didn't your hair extensions would've been by your feet by now" I hissed to her face.

She clenched her teeth and pushed me against the locker. I hit my head against it and raised my hand to where the pain was coming from.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" yelled Kairi at Alicia.

"She was being rude!" she yelled back at him, causing him to lose his temper.

"So you fucking put your hands on her? Are you fucking insane" he shrieked. She scoffed and walked away from us. I sunk to the floor with my head in my hands. There would be a bruise at least, but that wasn't my main concern. I needed Mattia.

"Elena, are you okay" said Kairi, placing his hand on my knee. By this time we'd attracted quite a crowd who had their phones out, eagerly recording my shit life.

I shrugged Kairi off and heard a familiar voice.

"Baby what happened?" Mattia was rushing towards me and I breathed a sigh of relief. He shoved Kairi out of the way, causing him to fall backwards.

"Can you just take me home" I whispered, as he held my face in his hands and smothered me in kisses.

"Of course I can" he picked me up and carried me through the hallway. There were so many eyes on us, but I closed mine and rested my head on Mattia's shoulder. I opened them slowly and saw Alejandro and Alvaro walking behind us, Alvaro was holding my bag and gave me a sad smile.

I wrapped my arms around Mattia's neck and he leaned down and kissed my head. Being in his arms was the safest place in the world, and for a second, I managed to forget about the heartache I just endured.

My Best Mistake (except not really) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum