Chapter 52

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I set Elena down on the countertop and she winced.

"Deep breaths baby" I said, trying to hide how afraid I was. Her hands were shaking and she was trying to take breaths, but it was getting harder.

Leanne grabbed the brush and swept the glass to a side, away from any of us. She took ahold of Elena's hand and tried to calm her down.

"Where the fuck is he" I said, running my hands through my hair. Elena's Mom usually got annoyed when we cursed, but this time she didn't object, but instead stayed focused on Elena.

"He's not staying here tonight" said Elena, tears falling down her cheeks.

"No baby, I promise it'll just be the three of us" Leanne said, wiping away her tears.

I looked at Elena's foot. She had her white ankle socks on but they proved worthless as the blood was beginning to drip through them. The glass was lodged into the centre of her foot, and I thought about how I could put an end to her pain.

"Ma can I just pull it out?" I asked Leanne. She thought about it for a second, but Elena became fearful when she heard me.

"N-no" she said, gripping onto Leanne's hand tighter, who pulled her close and gave me an apologetic look.

"Mattia please no that'll hurt so much" she cried. I quickly shook my head and took her hand.

"I won't do it Elena, I promise I won't, just calm down baby please" I said, and thankfully her breathing went back to its normal rate.

Mike finally came with the first aid box. He looked sincere when handing it to me, but I had nothing to say to him. I emptied out its contents on the counter and stared at everything.

"I've never done this before" I said quietly, trying to take in all the items infront of me. Bandages, syringes, plasters, painkillers, all of it. Leanne placed a comforting hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"That's why you've got me" she said softly. She took the glove and placed it on her hand.

"Baby I'm going to have to take it out" she said to Elena, who became panicky again. I went over to her and held her tight. She buried her head into my chest and I could feel her fragile body shaking against mine. She was full of fear and anticipation, and a part of me felt like I wasn't doing enough for her.

Mike took a step back when he saw the damage. I was about to say something to him, but then I decided it wasn't the time nor the place.

Some things are better left unsaid.

"Elena close your eyes" I whispered, and she did. I held her tighter, praying the pain wouldn't be so bad. I gave Leanne a nod, and she took a deep breath.

Elena screamed into my chest when she had pulled it out. It pierced through my ears and Leanne quickly placed the glass aside and unwrapped the bandages. She took off Elena's sock and blood was pouring out. I placed my hand on the back of her head. I kept her  facing me so she couldn't see the blood, it'd only make her freak out even more.

Leanne bandaged her foot perfectly and I rubbed Elena's back to calm her down.

"Baby it's over" I whispered, kissing her tears away. She smiled and wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back, taking in her watermelon scent and rested my head on shoulder.

"Thank you Mattia" she whispered back, tightly holding onto me. I pulled away and looked at her.

"Who's Mattia? I'm baby" I smirked, causing her to blush. She laughed and it felt so good to see that smile again.

"Ahem" Leanne cleared her throat and I felt my face go red. We broke the hug and looked at Leanne.

"So what now?" asked Elena, looking at her Mom, and avoiding Mike's gaze on purpose.

Leanne had restored the first aid box of all its contents and placed it back on the countertop.

"Well I'll ring the hospital to see if we can get you some crutches" she said, gesturing towards Elena's foot "but right now I just need to clean this kitchen".

"What about me?" said Mike. I think Leanne had forgotten he was even in the same room as us.

"I think you should go" Leanne said, without looking at him.

He took a step back and looked at her as if she was accusing him for murder.

"What did I even do?" he said. I looked at him, astonished over the fact that he was really trying to claim his innocence over something that was his fault in every way.

"You touched Mattia" intervened Elena.

"Baby don't" I started, but she wasn't letting anyone else get involved.

"How dare you punch him and then act like you're innocent" she said, her tone slowly getting louder.

"You could've left him badly hurt, don't you fucking get it?" Elena was yelling at this point, but her Mom subtly shook her head at me to stay out of it.

"You're a grown man, and you're hitting a 16 year old, you're insane for thinking I won't call the police" she shouted. When she mentioned the police Mike's face dropped. Elena really had a way with words.

"I think you should go" said Leanne quietly. And without any more questions, Mike headed out into the hallway. We heard the front door open and then close again and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're so brave" said Leanne, walking over to Elena and kissing her forehead. She turned around and pulled me into a hug, which took me by surprise. I looked at Elena over her shoulder, and she was grinning from ear to ear. I smiled at her and hugged Leanne.

"Mattia I cant even begin to thank you for standing up for my Elena, and protecting her" she said, pulling away and wiping her eyes.

"It's okay Ma, I'm always gonna be here for you both" I said, taking Elena's hand.


I held Mattia's hand, and my Mom smiled at us.

"Well you guys get some sleep, and I'll finish off down here" she said, kissing my forehead. Mattia picked up since I couldn't walk on my foot. We said our goodnights and headed upstairs. I rested my head on Mattia's shoulder and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I don't mind this mode of transport" I mumbled. He laughed a little and laid me down in my bed.

"I don't mind it either" he said, taking off his shirt and getting into bed next to me. I was wearing sweats, and it was starting to get cold in Jersey so I decided to keep them on.

Mattia wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer. His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips. I closed the gap between us and planted my lips onto his. The kiss was sweet but short, as I pulled away quickly.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. I looked at him and bit my lip.

"I love you" I whispered. His eyes widened and he started smiling like a kid in a candy shop.

"What'd you say?" he said, excitedly wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me on top of him. I laughed and laid on his chest.

"I love you" I repeated, breaking into smiles and kissing his nose. He went bright red and buried his head in my neck.

"I love you Elena" he said shyly, he was giggling like a child, but it was honestly the cutest thing in the world. I laid my head on his chest and he started playing with my hair.

"Can we just get married already?" I said dreamily.

"Is that even a question? I'd happily make you my wife in the next thirty seconds" he chuckled. I smiled and felt myself drifting off. I don't remember the last time I was this happy.

My Best Mistake (except not really) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα