Chapter 8

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I got home at around 9. I decided to go for a walk around the block to try clear my head. I really just tried to kiss Elena. How stupid could I get? If Kairi found out he'd probably hate me forever, but I can't just leave her alone. She was special, and she'd caught my eye way before she caught Kairi's. I worked up all that courage for her to just be gone in a second. I've never put in effort for a girl, and the one and only time I do, this happens. Anger filled me again as I got to my house, but I forgot all about it when I saw who was inside.


I swallowed hard and tried my best to hide the fact I was about to shit bricks over seeing him. He was talking to my Mom, oh god he really found out. Shit. I went on my phone and searched up the next flight to Mexico. There was one leaving in two hours, the airport was an hour away, I could make it. Fuck sake Mattia. Shut the fuck up. Why was I being so irrational? This was my fault anyway. Fuck it.

I walked into the house and Kairi turned to see me.
"Bro where you been it's past nine" he asked, as my Mom walked out, thanks for the support Ma.
"I went for a walk" I said quickly, I walked over to the counter to get a drink so I had my back to him.
"Oh well I bought over your wallet, you left it at my place" he said.
I put my hand on my pocket, and rightfully so it was empty. I let out a sigh of relief. Stupid wallet.
"Thank God" I sighed. Kai looked confused as I was smiling. Shit. Dial it down Mattia. "I-I mean for the wallet obviously, I would've gone crazy without it" Who says that tf?
"Okayyy then, you have fun with that, I'm gonna leave" he said awkwardly before patting my back and heading out.

I went up to my room and flung the wallet on my dresser. I laughed to myself over how dramatic I was being earlier. A flight to Mexico? Damn give me the Oscar already.

I passed out at around 1am, but I was woken up by Alé leaving me 12 missed calls. I picked up on the 13th and had to put the phone away from my ear he was yelling that loud.
"Bro shut up, it's late tf"
"What? What do you mean? What happened?" I was still half asleep and I wasn't following at all.
"Just check your Insta now" and with that he hung up. Dick.

I went over to my Instagram and my heart dropped to my stomach when I saw what it was. It was me. Leaning in. To kiss Elena. Someone had filmed us from across the street. 78k views. 62k likes. I read some of the comments:


User 7384: she's cheating on him with Mattia what a whore.

User 6632: I feel so bad for Kairi

User 2738: @kairi you have to see this

User 3774: are y'all stupid? It's clearly Mattia leaning in, he started this all

I didn't realise how fast I was breathing as I was reading them. I turned off my phone and threw it across the room. Elena was going to get so much hate, and it was all my fault. She didn't even do anything. Once again, I was about to fuck up someone's life. I wondered if Kairi had seen it yet. He had to have seen it, someone will have sent it him. Holy shitsticks I screwed up this time. Bad. I felt sick to my stomach.

Maybe Mexico doesn't sound too bad after all.

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