Chapter 45

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I stood at the door, staring at them both. My Mom was smiling and so was Mike. He had jet black hair and icy blue eyes, with a cigarette resting on the top of his ear. You'd think he was an attractive guy until you saw the wrinkles on his forehead, and beneath his eyes, giving away the fact that he was in his mid 40's. My Mom was only 36. Why did she need a man right now?

"What do you mean boyfriend?" I asked, keeping my gaze on my Mother. She shifted in her seat, but kept her hand in his.

"Mike and I met a week ago, and now we're exclusively dating" she said proudly.

"You waited a whole week to tell me this?" I said coldly. I didn't have any intention to stop my Mom from being happy. I just wished she wouldn't shut me out of everything. This affected my life too.

"Well I'd have told you sooner but-" she started.

"But what? You thought I'd say no? Why would I say no? I'm completely chill with you bringing a stranger into my home" I blurted out sarcastically. I was starting to get annoyed over the new guy. He sat there with a sheepish smile on his face. Mom had an angry look on her face.

"Elena Hill, this is my house just as much as it is yours, and Mike isn't a stranger, we're in love, and he will be staying here" she announced. I was beyond pissed at this point. I didn't even know the guy, or what he worked as, or if he was divorced, or even if he had kids.

"Who moves in after a week of knowing their partner, are you hearing yourself right now?" I spluttered, my words were falling out of my mouth before I even had time to think about them.

"Maybe she just needs time, honey" whispered Mike, and my Mom nodded, which just flat out annoyed me even more.

"Don't talk about me like I'm your kid, you don't know shit about me" I said, causing him to raise his eyebrows.

"Elena! Mike is going to move in, and there's nothing you can do about it" said Mom, folding her arms.

"What's new?" I said, throwing my arms in the air "I've never had a choice, it's always been what you want"

"What I want? Elena, you stay out for hours with Mattia, when have I ever objected?" she said tiredly.

"Don't you dare bring Mattia into this" I said quietly.

"Don't talk to me in that tone Elena, that's not how I raised you" she said. There was a moment of silence and I thought about what the fuck I was going to do now. But I knew one thing, there was no way I was staying under the same roof as my Mom and her trashy boyfriend.

"If he doesn't go, I will" I said. Worry took over my Mom's face as she processed what I'd said.

"You can't leave your own house Elena, you can't leave your family" she gestured between her and Mike. He gave me a toothy smile but a blank expression remained on my face.

"He will never be my family" I said bluntly, causing my Mom to lose her shit.

"I'm sick of you Elena!" she yelled "I gave you everything you ever wanted, worked my ass off to keep you happy when your ignorant father left us. And when I finally find my own happiness and you can't even show me the slightest bit of support?"

"Why do you need a guy? Why? We were so good on our own, I don't need another person here" I yelled back. Tears were starting to form in my Mom's eyes, and I realised I'd overstepped the line. I walked out the kitchen and ran up to my bedroom.

I passed out in bed for god knows how long, but I woke up to the sound of the front door closing. Then I heard footsteps on the laminate, coming towards my room. The door opened slowly and I forced open my eyes to see who it was.

"It's just me" whispered Mom, and I fell back into bed.

"I don't wanna talk about it" I mumbled. She sat on the edge of my bed.

"But I do" she pleaded, and I sat up in bed.

"What is there to talk about? You're gonna stay with the guy, no matter what I say" I said.

"Okay but Elena, I really like him" she said, turning red as if she was 16 again.

"Mom, he had a cigarette on top of his ear, and you hate smoking more than anything". She pressed her lips together and looked down.

"I know but still Elena, can't you just give him a chance?" she begged, but I rolled my eyes.

"I thought we were great without Dad" I said quietly.

"We are baby" said Mom, holding my hand.

"Then why do you need Mike? You guys are gonna fall in love, and where does that leave me?" I complained.

"Wait you think I'm gonna forget about you?" said Mom, her eyes went wide.

"How could I forget about you Elena, you're talking crazy" she laughed "you're the most important thing in my whole life, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else" she kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Ma" I said, giving her a small smile.

"So will you still give Mike a chance?" She winced.

I nodded and she screamed she was that happy and pulled me into a bear hug. I laughed with her, it was the best feeling to see Ma happy.

I just hoped I was making the right choice by letting Mike into my life.

My Best Mistake (except not really) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon