Chapter 13

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I didn't watch the film. I was too busy watching Elena. Watching the smile on her face. Watching her eyes light up over everything Mattia said. I never realised how tiring it was to pretend all the time. Watching them together just made me want her even more. I shook my head and tried to get myself together.

But I couldn't.

I was still in love with her. It made my heart ache seeing them together. I had nothing left really, she was my happiness, and it hurt to think I wasn't hers. I wasn't enough, I couldn't make her happy enough. A tear fell down my cheek and I wiped it quickly. I heard them laughing and rolled my eyes. So what? She was only a girl. Except, she was my girl. I lied back whilst they all watched the film. Tears fell onto the pillow as I heard him tell her she was beautiful. That should've been me. But I wasn't Mattia. I was Kairi. Basic ass Kairi. Is this what heartbreak felt like? It sucks. I hate it. It's like happiness is so far away and I just can't get to it.

The film had finished and I guess I passed out cause I was awoken by Alvaro jumping on me.

"DUDE THERE'S FIVE MINUTES TILL CHRISTMAS WAKE UP" he yelled. I gave him a half smile and got up, joining the rest of them. They wanted to do a countdown like it was the New Year. Elena and Mattia were stood on the other side of the room and he had his arms wrapped around her from behind. I took a deep breath as everyone was counting down the last minute. I counted too, just not as loud.

"FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, MERRY CHRISTMAS" everyone screamed. Mattia pulled her in for a kiss and I think that was what I needed. I needed proof that we were really over. That there was no going back. She was no longer mine and there was nothing I could do about it. It hurt, it hurt really really bad.

It was done. We were nothing but a closed chapter. Back to strangers, I guess.

I put my head down so Elena wouldn't see how upset I was, but Alé did.

"Aye get a room bro" he shouted, forcing Mattia to break the kiss. We all laughed and he winked at me. I nodded gratefully, and we decided it was time to call it a night. I waved goodbye to them all and headed home.

As soon as I left the house the cold slapped me in the face. Almost as if it were mocking me over the fact that I couldn't even keep her. I didn't even fight for her. Maybe that's what I lacked. Maybe that's where I went so terribly wrong. I thought about the time when I walked her to class, and the first time we met on the field. I found myself smiling like an idiot whenever I thought about her. I got home and I went into the kitchen. I was feeling a little better since I'd finally gotten myself back together. My mom called for me.

"Kairi I got you the bracelet you wanted to give Elena for Christmas"

I broke down right there. I placed a hand on a chair to balance myself before my mom rushed to my side.

"Kairi! Baby what happened?" She pulled me into a hug and tried to calm me down.

"Ma I'm sorry I forgot that I asked for it, I won't need it anymore" I sobbed through tears which were showing no signs of stopping.

She shushed me and rocked me in her arms. No hug will ever beat your mom's hugs. I took a deep breath.

"I broke up with Elena" I whispered.

"Oh my poor baby it's okay" she held me tight and wiped my tears "as long as you're both happier now that's all that matters"

"Yeah" I replied. At least one of us was happy I guess. I was too emotionally exhausted to tell her about the heartache I went through everytime I saw her.

"And you can still give her the bracelet honey, just as a Christmas present huh?"

"Yeah, thanks Ma, I'm gonna head to sleep. I love you goodnight" I kissed her head and got up to leave.

"Kairi" she said. I turned around.


"Merry Christmas baby" she smiled at me.

"Merry Christmas Ma" I blew her a kiss and headed upstairs. I passed out as soon as my head hit the pillow. I'm pretty sure Elena was the last thing on my mind, even though I wouldn't even cross hers.


My Best Mistake (except not really) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz