Chapter 56: Peace at Last?

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The war was finally over.

Aang had defeated the Fire Lord.

The scorched land was healing.

People of all nations can finally enjoy a life of peace and prosperity without terror and fear.

The thought brought a faint smile to my lips as Sol brushed my hair. "You look absolutely beautiful, my Lady."

Her compliment brought a blush onto my cheeks. "Thank you, Sol. Am I finished? I want to visit someone..."

"Of course!" Sol stepped aside and bowed her head, smiling knowingly. "I'll take care of things here."

I left my room and walked through the long hallways of the Concubine's wing of the Fire Nation Royal Palace. Not a day passes by that I do not remember Lady Suiren; her words, her actions, her unconditional love, it all still haunts me to this day.

I have her in my heart still, but today was not a time for sadness. It was an important day.

It was Zuko's coronation day as Fire Lord.

I smiled apologetically to the palace guards who tensed as I walked past them. I understood they were under strict orders that day, the Day of Black Sun, and it was their duty to follow such orders.

Standing in front of the tall, oak doors, I took a deep breath and knocked thrice. One of the eunuchs opened the doors, eyes widening as he saw me and quickly bowed his head. "My La—"

"Shhh!" I held a finger to my lips, pleading for his silence. "Can I come in? I want to surprise him."

The eunuch led me in and snapped his fingers, ordering the handmaidens to leave the room with him. I smile as I watch him fidget with his armor, trying to center everything, making sure it was perfect. 

Even though he already was.

I snuck up behind him and covered his eyes with my fingers.

"Chiyo..." There was something magical in the way he said my name. He uttered it like a breathless prayer. And I can call myself the luckiest girl in the nation to be named such that he can call it.

Zuko turned around to face me, the corner of his lips turning up into a heart-stealing grin. I can feel his golden gaze over me, as if trying to memorize my every detail.

I remind myself to thank Sol and Ai for the beautiful kimono they had me wear. It was made of the finest deep red cloth, embroidered with golden threads that resembled fire lilies on the hem and sleeves. The golden obi around my waist was made of precious silk, gifted by one of the nobles.

In truth, I was still uncomfortable in all this luxury. Most of my memories have returned, yet I could not grasp the fact that I was one of the most celebrated apprentice entertainers in Fire Nation history.

My thoughts dissipated as Zuko planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "Lost in your thoughts again?"

"You know me so well." I shook my head and reached up to run my fingers through his dark locks. "Let me fix your hair."

He sat in front of the mirror and I picked up a brush from the vanity. His eyes slid close as I gently combed through. "I could get used to this every day."

I giggled at the thought of becoming Fire Lord Zuko's hairdresser before tying his hair up in a high bun. "We'll have to negotiate my salary then! I'm told that I have a very high talent fee."

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