Chapter 9: Not-So-Happy Birthday, Prince Zuko

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Much like Princess Azula's party, the Crown Prince's birthday was nothing short of extravagant. In fact, more people had come, even the governors of Fire Nation colonies outside of the capital had come in hopes of currying favor with the future Fire Lord.

Prince Zuko sat in the seat beside his father, looking on at the party held in the honor of his name and birth. He should be happy. Here he was, a Crown Prince of a great nation, yet he still wasn't content. But it was not power that he longed for.

He longed for his mother, the one who actually gave birth to him. He longed for the love and acceptance of his father, who never actually showed it. At least, not that he would know of it for his father doted only on Azula, his firebending prodigy. He had even said once that Azula was born lucky, and that he was lucky to be born. He longed for Chiyo...

He looked to his right and see Lady Suiren casually talking with his Uncle Iroh, an audience surrounding them as if they were watching a debate.

"Prince Zuko!" Ukano, one of the higher nobles and Mai's father, greeted the Royal family with a bow. "It is an honor to have been invited as one of your guests. Mai speaks highly of you, Prince Zuko." Mai who had been standing beside her father was ready to murder him with his eyes.

The prince nodded. "Thank you, sir."

"I present to you a gift, sewn by my daughter herself!" He presented a burgundy shawl with gold trimmings and the fire nation symbol embroidered into the fabric. "She spent several nights doting on this little project to give it to you, Prince Zuko."

He accepted the gift and bowed his head. "Thank you very much, sir, and Mai..."

Mai rolled her eyes, but a blush still crept into her cheeks. "Whatever..."

The evening went on, but still there was no sign of Chiyo. And the Lady Suiren has been avoiding him every time he tried to get close enough to ask her.

Finally, he had a window of opportunity when the Fire Lord asked for a performance from Suiren. He slipped through the crowd, moving as fast as he could out of the ballroom. The guards were so preoccupied, craning their necks to see the beautiful concubine of the Fire Lord that they did not notice him leave, pass the main hall and into Suiren's wing.

He turned a sharp corner where he figured Chiyo's room was and bumped into one of the handmaidens. Immediately, she bowed and apologized. "I am so sorry, your Highness! I wasn't looking where I was going!"

"That's okay, I need to see Chiyo." He said with urgency in his voice. "I don't have much time before they realize I'm missing from my own party."

Sol bit her lip, wondering what to do. Suiren had specifically told them not to let the young Prince near Lady Chiyo. But looking into this boy's pleading, desperate eyes, she made up her mind. "The last room on the right, your Highness, please make haste! Knock three times and she'll let you in!"

"Thank you, thank you..." He didn't spare a second as he ran to the end of the hallway where her room was. He stood outside the door, calming himself and he knocked three times on the door.

"Come in!"

Zuko opened the door, his eyes widening as he saw Chiyo's familiar face. "Chiyo..."

"Prince Zuko! What are you doing here?" She stood up from the bed and tied her robe tighter.

Without a second thought, he crossed the room and pulled her into a tight, almost crushing, hug. He had missed her so much, it was maddening. "It's my birthday today, Chiyo. I'm allowed to do whatever I want."

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