Chapter 44: Lily and Lee

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The princess stood at the platform, glaring down at Mai heavily. The guards had her restrained after her treasonous actions of letting Zuko and the others escape. "Leave us alone." They bowed and left. "I never expected this from you."

Ty Lee stood at the sidelines, watching as her two friends faced-off. She knows what Azula is capable of once she is angered, but to have Mai at the receiving end of it gripped her with fear. "The thing I don't understand is why? Why would you do it?" Azula continued. "You know the consequences."

After seconds of silence, Mai spoke up. "I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do. You miscalculated."

A sickening feeling rose from within Azula. Everyone, everyone betrayed her. Mai did, Zuko did, her own mother did... For her, there is absolutely no one she could trust.

To rub salt to her wounds, Mai added. "I love Zuko more than I fear you."

"NO! You miscalculated! You should have feared me more!" Her usual composure was broken as she shouted. "I have no use for traitors like you, Mai." She focused her chi to her fingertips, ready to send lightning to end her childhood friend.

All of a sudden, she felt sharp jabs at her shoulder and spine. Then she fell forward to the ground helplessly with a gasp. Ty Lee had realized what Azula was trying to do and stopped her in time. Once she was sure Azula was incapacitated, she ran to Mai. "Come on! Let's get out of here!"

Azula stared up at them with hate and anger. "Even you, Ty Lee? After everything I have done? You betray me as well?!"

Before they could both leave, the guards had surrounded them. Even if Mai was the Warden's niece, the authority of the princess came first. Two guards helped Azula on her feet. "You both fools!"

"What shall we do with them, princess?"

Her friends, if she could still call them that, had betrayed her. "And Mai? Talking about love? Well, she chose wrong!" Her words to Chiyo, long forgotten, suddenly came back to her.

"Remember Chiyo, it's better to be feared than loved."

Indeed. Being feared is to hold power, and power is something the weak will never have or understand.

"Put them somewhere I'll never have to see their faces again, and let them ROT!"

"Why isn't she waking up?" Zuko asked worriedly and looked to Katara for answers

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"Why isn't she waking up?" Zuko asked worriedly and looked to Katara for answers.

"Are you seriously doubting my healing abilities?" She snapped at him as she continued to work on Chiyo's injuries. She had healed most of her cuts and bruises; even the deep gash at her waist was nothing more but a thin long scar that would fade over time. "Besides, it's only been a few hours. And Lily's body got weak from dehydration."

"Why does everyone keep calling her Lily?! Her name is Chiyo!"

Katara ignored him and focused on her work. Once she was done, she got up and left to help Suki prepare for dinner. Zuko took his place next to Chiyo and made sure she was tucked in comfortably. "I can't wait till you wake up..." He smiled as he whispered softly. "I'm sure you have a lot of stories to tell me, and I have a lot to tell you as well."

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