I Don't Love - Chapter Two

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Hi guys :)

I got a chapter request from xXfrozenbutterflyXx so here it is, a little earlier :)

This chapter is dedicated to XxRaineHeartsChocoxX :) Thank you for all the support <3

You can be expecting very frequent updates, considering that examinations are over.

This chapter is a little different :P I wrote it in Ethan's POV, hope you enjoy! It might be a little short, but its something I guess (:




"Avril, you listen to me. You listen here, and you listen good. You don't him Avril. He's one no good of a bastard and you deserve better. You don't need him at all. He's going to regret what he did one day and you are not going to take him back. You're going to be strong. And I'm going to help you. You're going to show him that you are no longer the weak girl that he knew."  

I nodded. It made sense. Ethan had said that I was too weak to be broken, and I was going to be the opposite of that. He cheated on me, he didn't deserve me. It was his fault, and he was so going to regret everything that he did.



Ethan's POV


I'm confused.

Very confused.

I had initially dated Avril because she was smart, and I needed her help, or I would have flunked all my subjects.

I had planned to dump her after my goal was achieved. I would just tell her everything was a mistake the moment I got my A.

But things didn't go as planned.

After knowing Avril for many months, I kind of fell for her. She's such a beautiful angel with a kind heart beneath. There was something about her that drew me to her.

I knew that it wouldn't be easy to dump her.

I couldn't dump her.

I didn't want to.

I think.

I love her.

Actually, no.

I KNOW I love her.

But the problem lies with Sasha.

Sasha and I have been on and off for ages. We used to hook up a lot.

I had promised Sasha that I would dump Avril after getting an A.

But now, I couldn't.

I was well.. stuck.

I love Avril, but knowing Sasha, she wouldn't let this matter rest that easily.

I needed to still let Sasha think that Avril was of use, and I couldn't let Sasha know that I had fallen for Avril.

I had to come up with an excuse.

Which explains the screwed up situation.

Avril overheard my conversation with Sasha.

And she left, heartbroken.

But I didn't mean it, Avril had to know that I really loved her.

Sasha was..


a bitch.


I am done with Sasha.

I am going to tell Sasha that I loved Avril.

And she can just f*ck off.

She can do anything for all I care, I am going to protect Avril.

I'm not going to ever let Avril go.


"Babe, I'm so sorry, but you gotta hear me explain, its not what you think, please call me back, I'm worried," I sighed into my phone before ending the voicemail.

I hadn't heard any news about Avril since that night.

And yes, I was worried shit.

She hadn't responded to my calls, messages and voicemails.

And well.

I deserved it.


When I heard my phone ring, I picked it up eagerly, hoping that it would be Avril calling me.


"Ethan baby, long time no see, wanna come to my house for a study session?" Sasha drawled out on the other end.

My heart sank at the disappointment. I had really hoped it would be Avril.

But I was going to make use of this opportunity to tell Sasha that whatever we had was over.

"Not at your house, meet me at the cafe down the street in 15," I said and put down the phone before she could protest.


Cliffhanger :)

Next chapter would be the conversation between Ethan and Sasha! I already have the next few chapters mapped out :)

Next update would be in 2 days :)


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