I Don't Love - Chapter One

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Hey guys :)

So yup, here is the next part of my story. I know it's only been a day, but I'm really excited to continue writing the story so :P

I hope you like it! This is much longer than the prologue. I've decided that I'm going to give my story some time before I actually consider deleting it :)

Comments and suggestions on how to improve are always welcome! I'm not an excellent writer, but I try my best so do feel free to give me feedback and I'll definitely give them consideration :)





A shout-out to xXfrozenbutterflyXx for editing my story! You're a great friend <3

This chapter is dedicated to her. Do check out her profile and her stories! Her other account is cherrymarshmallow (:

I'm doing a collaboration with xXfrozenbutterflyXx and another friend :)

Do check out our account XxRaineHeartsChocoxX <3

Alright! I shall not bother you guys with an overly lengthy author's note :)

Here's the next part! (:



"Amanda, I'm gonna go search for Ethan," I told her, before making my way upstairs. He probably had a drinking session with his friends in one of the rooms. Knowing the guys, they were probably playing cards and gambling as well.

I walked past many rooms, doing a quick check before moving onto the next one. So far, most of them were empty.



Avril's POV

The school slut Sasha was pressed up against Ethan. Her hands were settled on his neck and her lipstick coated lips were in a pout that was meant to be cute.   

"But babyyyyy, when are you going to ever dump that nerd, I hate to meet up in secret like that," Sasha pouted, before leaning in for a kiss.   

My heart stopped. It was as if something clenched at my heart and grabbed it so tightly. I couldn't breathe and I fought back tears as I moved myself to a corner to avoid being seen.   

"Babe you know that I can't. I need Avril to pass my classes. And besides, she seems so easily broken. I don't think that weak character of hers can take it."  

My heart broke. Tears threatened to flow down as my eyes stung badly. I closed them in agony and tried not to sob. My hands clutched tightly together, and I was pretty sure there were nail marks on my palms.   

I stumbled backwards and bumped into the railings, giving a startled gasp as I did so. Ethan and Sasha's heads immediately whipped around upon hearing the sound.   

When he saw me, Ethan immediately pushed Sasha away and started towards me.   

His eyes were still that beautiful bright green I loved so much, yet in that moment, somehow they lacked the love I had always tried to convince myself was there.   

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