I Don't Love

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Hi :) This is a really new account. I've been reading on Wattpad for ages and there are really many wonderful writers here :) I've decided to try writing a story, so here it is :D Its my first ever story that I'm putting online, and it might not be very good, but I hope you do give it a chance! :)



Avril's POV

The day I turned 17 was the day my life changed.

It started off as a great day. Really, no sarcasm intended. I woke up to the well wishes of my entire family, as well as a hearty breakfast consisting of bacon, eggs, pancakes, muffins and a lot of my favourite food. Gulping down my glass of orange juice, I grabbed my bag and eagerly headed for the door. I couldn't wait to get to school.

My life was literally perfect. I had a crazy yet awesome best friend Amanda, a loving family, as well as a hot and popular boyfriend Ethan. What more could I ask for? I had already mapped out my whole life. Graduating from high school, marrying Ethan, having children, getting a good job... well, you get the hang of it.

Amanda came crashing into me the moment I stepped into school.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY AVRIL! OMG YOU'RE 17, YOU'RE GROWING UP GIRL!" she shrieks before enveloping me into a big hug. I laughed and returned the hug. I should have known Amanda would be the first to wish me a happy birthday.

"Where's Ethan?" I asked before scanning the area. It was odd he wasn't here, it was my birthday after all.

"Oh I think he had to go meet Ms Robinson, she was going to give him detention, something like that."

Well I guess I wasn't going to be seeing him till second period. Oh well, there was nothing that could be done. Ms Robinson wasn't someone you could mess with. Her spiky and oily red hair and smelly breath... yeah, better stay away from that :P

"AVRIL! I'M THROWING A PARTY TONIGHT JUST FOR YOU! THERE'S GONNA BE CAKE AND PRESENTS FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY!" I smiled, before nodding. A 17th birthday was worth celebrating. I wasn't a party girl, but I could make an exception.

I wouldn't be considered a loner in high school. I wasn't invisible, but neither was I prominent. I was nice to everyone and as a result, no one picked on me. I was fairly popular, judging from the many "happy birthday"s I got.


Soon, it was second period. I walked into the class and plopped myself next to Ethan, who gave me a winning smile.

"Hey babe, happy birthday, good day so far?" he asked before kissing my forehead.

"Yep, its just such a wonderful birthday!" I proclaimed.

He chuckled. The teacher walked in and I faced the front, ready to begin another hour of boring lessons.


I walked down the stairs, my hair falling in front of my shoulders. Amanda had done a great job, putting half of my hair up and curling it like an expert. A white cocktail dress stopped at mid-thigh and hugged my curves perfectly, without making me look like a slut.

Amanda bounced down the steps behind me, before finally dragging me to the ground floor. I scanned my surroundings for Ethan, but he was nowhere in sight.

Well... I couldn't help it. But I felt a slight tinge to my heart.

"Hey Amanda, do you know where Ethan went?"

"Nope, I didn't see him, probably went to catch up with his friends"

I nodded. Ethan was a star athlete in our school, thus having a large group of friends. Catching up with his friends was nothing out of the ordinary, I could find him later.

"Let's dance!" Amanda suggested and dragged me to the makeshift dance floor. "Moves Like Jagger" by Maroon 5 blared in the background as we joined the huge crowd of people. I sucked at dancing, but oh well, who cares. Any random moves could do :P

I had no idea how much time passed before my legs finally hurt. I stopped dancing and together with Amanda, headed over to the couches to rest our feet. Until now, I hadn't caught sight of Ethan at all. Something worried me. I could just feel that something wasn't right. Ethan would not disappear on my birthday, it just wasn't like him.

"Amanda, I'm gonna go search for Ethan," I told her, before making my way upstairs. He probably had a drinking session with his friends in one of the rooms. Knowing the guys, they were probably playing cards and gambling as well.

I walked past many rooms, doing a quick check before moving onto the next one. So far, most of them were empty.

There was a nagging suspicion at the back of my mind.

Something. Just. Wasn't. Right.  

That was until I came to the last room at the hallway.

What I saw shocked me.


So that's the prologue of the story :) I know its kind of short, but I just wanna see the response to it. If you guys like it, I will continue to update :) If not, I might consider deleting it :P

I apologize for any mistakes. I didn't have time to edit it.

If there's a next update, it's probably in 1-2 days :) Really soon :)

Always smile :D

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