toe tapping- f.w.

Começar do início

"sounds good" he smiles, and turns to face the white board.

i smile to myself, focusing back on my dark shaded doodles that covered my paper. i switched the beatles song i was tapping to, and saw finn smile as he wrote down something pointless on a sheet of paper.

then he handed the paper to me.

wanna go to my house after school?

...was scribbled on the sticky note. i nodded back at him, smiling.

i, y/n, was invited to go to finn wolfhard's house.


ding ding ding

the school bell rang, meaning second period was over.

"bye y/n" he grinned, he stated, walking out of the classroom. i nodded back, following him out the door in the opposite direction.

i sprinted to my third period class, chemistry, eager to tell my best friend what just happened. speed walking into class, i bumped into josh, a kid who had a crush on me since 3rd grade. we were in 10th grade now for context.

"hi y/n" he said, smiling, picking up the sticky note from finn that i dropped in out contact.

"hey" i said back, ripping the note out of his hand, skipping to inform y/f/n of the events that occurred moments before.

i handed her the note, she stared at in confusion.

"guess who it's from" i giggled

"anyone could've written this y/n I'm not psychic" she looked at me with a serious face

"hmm..ok the only boy in the school that you would never think that would want to date me even though i'm somewhat popular?" i gave her a hint, that probably didn't help.

"im lost" she tapped her chin, then a shocked expression rose on her face, "no fucking way. there is no way he-"

"yes way" i nodded.

"there is no way this is from josh" he added

"no you idiot, its from finn wolfhard" i corrected her, walking away to sit in my assigned seat.

"don't you dare walk away from me, you can't JUST DROP A BOMB LIKE THAT" she yelled, making the class silent, "not a real bomb like a secret-" she clarified.

"y/f/n please take a seat" my teacher announced because the bell was about to ring.

"y/n you lucky bitch," she whispered in my ear before escorting herself to her seat.

matt, who was my assigned seat partner, was best friends with finn.

"so i heard you are hanging out with my boy after school" matt smiled, starting to work on our in class assignment.

"how'd you know?" i ask, looking up at him.

"he texted me that he was really excited about something, and finn only gets excited about things when he gets a role in a show or..." he trailed off.

"or what?"

"or he likes someone" matt said, making eye contact with me, waiting for my reaction.

"no way finn likes me, you're lying" i shake my head in denial.

"don't believe me? suit yourself, but little finn has a crush" he teases me.

"how do you even know i like him?" i ask.

"come on y/n any girl would die for this opportunity" he shrugs.

"so you think i'm like every other girl hm? just wants to fuck him or something? oh no way, it's way more than that matt" i roll my eyes, looking back down at my chemistry work that i didn't understand.

"ok maybe you don't like him, he is going to be heartbroken"

"i never said i didn't like him" i whispered.

"i heard that" he chuckled.


"just don't have too much fun" he smiles, i send a nod back, and we both see that our teacher was approaching us.

the time flew by and before i knew it, the clock struck 2:30 and school was over.

i took a deep breath before stepping up to finn.

"hi" i smiled, looking up at his tall figure. probably a few inches apart.

"hey, uh my car is here, so i can like drive you?" he said nervously.

"is that a question or a statement?" i laughed, making sure he know he could relax, and he got the message.

laughing, he replied, "i can drive you" he smiled, opening the door for me, to which i replied, thank you.

we approached his shiny, brand-new, black bmw.

and before i knew it we were approaching the wolfhard residence.

this was going to be one day i would never forget.




i hope u enjoyed and have a great day🤪🤪🤪

word count: 1133

finn wolfhard imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora