xvi. Drained

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' She's half a cup of warm tea on a summer morning. She makes no sense. '

Sitting beside Octavia at the fire that night, Corey smiled as her friend recounted Indra's offer for the younger girl to become her second.

Watching as the woman they spoke of approached the hog roasting over the fire and cut a slice on one of the plates, Corey listened to what she said intently "Eat! Get strong, only then will we win this war." She told the crowd, those of Arkadians and Grounders alike.

As Marcus stepped up with a smile, he accepted the offered meat with thanks before Indra walked back to her people and Marcus approached Octavia and Corey.

"You did this." He told the two.

"Your welcome." Octavia mocked causing Corey to snort "Don't blow it." She nodded as Fio approached.

"The Boar put up a better fight than you." He mocked Octavia causing Corey to grin.

"I'm sure it did." The blonde grinned as Octavia shoved her from the wooden log she was sat on, the older girl groaning as she hit the floor and laughed.

"I see your making friends." Marcus chuckled.

"What do you want from me?" Octavia asked "From us?" She motioned to Corey who still lay on the floor.

"What do you thinks gonna happen?" Marcus asked the pair as Corey frowned up at the stars "Once we get your friends back, for now we have a common goal. But one day this wars gonna end." He pointed out "What then?"

"Just get to the point." Corey huffed, fed up with his pussy footing around the real question.

"We know so little about them, you've earned their respect. Corey is well on her way to that." He told the pair "I need you to be my eyes and ears." He whispered as Corey slowly sat up.

"Your asking me to be a spy." Octavia quietly hissed.

"I'm asking you to look out for your people." Marcus told her slowly.

"I am." Octavia stood and offered Corey her hand up before the pair moved to join Indra, much to the older woman's distaste until Corey offered her remaining food to the woman.

"Nou." Indra denied.

"I won't eat it, I can't digest that much food and it will otherwise go to waste." Corey shook her head and offered the plate again as Indra this time took it, eating silently as Corey stood to leave the two, making her way to hers and Bellamy's room without another word.

Sitting in the medical bay reading her recovered fairytales book from the drop ship, Corey flipped the page and smiled sadly as she read over the story of Rapunzel, reminded of Finn before her mind slowly drifted to Mount Weather where Bellamy would now be with Jasper and Monty.

"Jackson!" Abby burst in "We've got two patients, you get the radiation burns I've got the gunshot wounds!" She demanded as Corey quickly jumped up and gaped at the sight before her.

"One of the Mountain men?" She hissed at Clarke "Why are we helping him?" 

"Exactly Core, he's from Mount Weather, we need to keep him alive." She told her cousin before assisting the Doctors and Nurses as Corey stood back and watched, frowning at the thought of helping this person .

"Yu Gonplei ste odon." Corey looked up as Indra spoke and frowned as the woman approached her cousin "A killer lives while a warrior dies, this is your way?" She asked patronisingly.

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