iii. Planning

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' Here today and Gone tomorrow. '

Corey sat and watched as Monty and Jasper buried themselves wholeheartedly in the array of desserts they'd been given.

The girl herself had declined, her appetite gone due to the everlasting stress and guilt that continued to build up in her the more she hid it away.

"You have to try this Pie." Jasper moaned as he offered the berry filled dessert to Monty and Corey.

Corey only rolled her eyes and shook her head as she continued to read through the manual she'd been given about Mount Weather. 

Monty on the other hand happily dug his fork into the sugary slice, taking a bite and hissing at the burst of flavours that filled his mouth "Oh my God." He groaned in delight "What is that?"

"I don't know but it's great." Jasper laughed lightly as a man walked by, filling each of their glasses with water "Come on, my turn." Jasper motioned to Monty's cake.

"Nah, this?" Monty grimaced as he shovelled more of the chocolate covered dessert into his mouth "You wouldn't like it, the pies way better." He childishly responded.

Jasper narrowed his eyes challengingly as he watched Monty leisurely eat the dessert, he considered it for a second before he made a dive with his fork and Monty pulled away with the plate.

"Really?" Jasper smirked slyly as Corey looked up at the two, laughing as they both jumped up and gained the attention of those around them "Okay," Jasper laughed as the two dived from side to side, nearly knocking Corey from her chair a couple of times.

They both stopped though as Clarke approached "Howdy Cousin." Corey nodded at her with a small smile.

"Hey Clarke." Jasper smiled as the older blonde sat down opposite her Cousin.

"Sit down and pretend your happy to see me." She told them as they confusedly sat back down.

"We are happy to see you?" Monty frowned as he finished his mouthfull of cake, Corey noticing President Wallace watching the four from the corner of her eye and giving Clarke a questioning look.

Clarke subtly shook her head and mouthed that she'd tell her later as Corey closed the panflit she'd been reading.

"You have to try the chocolate cake." Monty side eyed Jasper as he offered it to Clarke.

"Oh it is so on." Jasper whispered jokingly as Corey giggled, stopping shortly after as the guilt crept up on her.

"I'm not eating their food." Clarke protested as she opened her welcome pack "Look," She pointed to an area on the map "They gave us a map with no exits." She told them shortly "I need you to tell me everything you've seen, every room, every hallway, every way out."

Jasper and Monty shared uncomfortable eye contact with Corey, and as much as the younger blonde didn't want to admit it, maybe Mount Weather would be good for them. But then again, maybe not.

"Way out," Jasper muttered as he looked at Clarke "Look around you Clarke, there's no one hunting us here, first time in our lives we're not hungry. Why would we wanna leave?" He smiled awkwardly.

"Because we have friends out there who need our help." Clarke told them in a hushed tone.

"They're looking for survivors." Monty told her "And they are way better equipped to find them than we are." He reminded.

"This place is too good to be true." Clarke shook her head as she looked around at everyone smiling and enjoying themselves.

"Your bumming me out," Jasper frowned as he quietly stood, smiling as he turned to them "I'm gonna get more cake." He laughed lightly as he left.

Clarke watched him go dejectedly as he began a conversation with Maya, taking a seat opposite her as he stole her cake.

"That's our boy." Monty and Corey fist bumped as Clarke got up and walked over to the pair, starting up a conversation with Maya.

 "Cock blocked." Corey muttered as she rested her head on Monty's shoulder, the pair chuckling lightly.

Before either of them noticed, Clarke was gone and an alarm started blaring. Jasper informed them quickly as he and Maya ran by that Clarke had stolen Maya's keycard in an attempt to escape.


Later on when everyone had returned to the Mess Hall for Dinner Carter found out that Clarke had almost unintentionally killed the inhabitants of Mount Weather by opening a door and letting radiation seep in, Jasper had to talk her down.

In a way Corey understood Clarke's need to get out, she had the same urges and lack of trust in the new place. But in the end of the day there was nothing out there for the youngest Griffin girl anymore.

Bellamy was gone, presumably dead, and Octavia and Lincoln were indefinite cases that Corey couldn't bring herself to dwell on.

She knew that if Clarke had told her before she'd ran and if she'd actually had a good plan then she would have left with her, telling Monty and Jasper first and making sure they left off on good terms before going with Clarke to make sure her Cousin stayed alive.

Sitting at the fancy dinner opposite Jasper and Clarke with Monty by her side again Corey listened to the Presidents speech. Taking in his words and trying to help herself let go of all that had happened.

But she couldn't do it. Everything suddenly felt so fake to her. The stupid white blazer she was wearing over her top and jeans for the special occasion. The food that had just been handed to them without a second thought. How perfect everything felt in such an imperfect situation.

Corey even caught Clarke smiling at the president as they all began to eat, the youngest Griffin having more plain and easy going food than the others due to her imbalanced diet and injuries that made her unable to ingest a lot of food, Dr Paige even worried about an eating disorder when the full extent of Corey's health was reviewed.

Malnourishment and Stunted growth being two other things that the Doctor wanted to check up on when Corey was ready to let her, but for now, that didn't look like it would happen.


It wasn't until later that night in the dorms after lights out that Corey found herself slipping out of her bed, climbing up hastily onto Clarke's bed and putting her hand between the pages of the art book before the older girl could close it.

"I know your not drawing Clarke." She whispered as she sat herself cross legged opposite her cousin.

Clarke looked warily at Corey for a moment before opening the sketch book again and letting her see the edited map.

"That level," Corey pointed "Is a dead end, that's storage and there," She moved her hand further down "Is the medical bay, it's inbetween a labyrinth of water purifiers and decontamination belts." She looked up at Clarke's face and almost laughed at the shocked look that had spread across it.

"Your helping me?" Clarke asked hesitantly as she looked around, making sure no one else was awake.

"If your going out looking for our people then so am I." Corey smiled before she told Clarke what she'd seen again, the two staying up until the early hours of the morning filling it out and planning different ways they could check for a way out.

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