"Come on, it's funny!"

"No it's not, it's stupid! It always was, only perverts were buying it!" I stated as I dragged it off me, but since it was a bit chilly for me, I turned it inside out and put it back on with a huff.

Looking at me with a frown he shook his head.

"Such a prude," he muttered and just like that walked further ahead from me and I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

Forty minutes into the hike I felt like I am being punished. In many ways.

The group were a couple feet ahead of me, like I am not existing; all laughing on Jared's and Alex's stories together like walking in a pace they did was nothing but a normal speed.

I, on the other hand was sweating my ass off; I couldn't keep up with my breathing and my legs were hurting from the constant slight uphill we were walking on, between dust and rocks, heading to a specific rock Alex had in mind to climb gear free.

On top of that, the first thing I needed was to take my jumper off, but that was also the last thing I wanted to since I was bloated to the point where I felt like my belly is going to rip any minute.

But the worst thing of all was that no one seemed to notice that I am not around them and deep down I just knew Jared deliberately wanted to keep the attention away from me, because I said something what he did not like... critiquing his work.

I used to get the silent treatment for telling him some of his ideas were not the best or his clothing choice was stupid, but then I just shrug and leave. Now that... I could not do, and since I was boiling for at least two days because of his hints and deeds what irritated me so much, I had little to no intention to apologize or just to keep my mouth shut.

A couple minutes more passed when I just gave up and resting my palms on my knees I took some deep breaths, seriously thinking to turn back, but that was the moment Elizabeth turned back and walked up to me.

"Avery, you alright?" she asked placing her palm onto my shoulder.

She now had a tight crop top on, her neck slightly shining from sweat.

"Yeah.. yeah sure I just... I need to pee... too much coffee," I shrugged. "I'll go find a bush or rock or whatever..." I muttered as I walked away from the path among small plants, dirt and rocks heading to a bigger rock, which would give me some privacy.

Once there, walking to the other side, I sank down to sit onto the ground, leaning to it, taking some deep breaths.

I didn't need to pee; to be honest I was so thirsty, and the bloating started to hurt.

Resting my head on top of my knees I tried to take extra deep yoga breaths to calm down, but all I wanted was to go back home to my comfy bed and cry.

"Avery!" I heard Jared's shout some five minutes later and I would lie if I said I didn't let out a sigh of relief when I heard he is looking for me.

Not answering, I tried to sit straight, wiping the sweat away from my face with the sleeve of the jumper, waiting for him to find me.

"Av, you alright?" he asked with a frown as he stood above me, his figure casting a much needed shadow on me.

"Yeah I just..." licking my lips I tried to gather some saliva to speak. "I needed a break."

"You could have asked us to stop, why would you come hide like a dying dog?" he asked cold.

I just turned my head away, feeling tears welling up in my eyes, hugging my knees around.

"I wanna go home..." I muttered; my voice trembling into it, trying to keep my emotions at bay, but I felt so hurt.

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