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Mingi X Hongjoong

🐭Mpreg                 🐹
🐹Boy x boy           🐭
🐭Giving birth       🐹


It all started with one party all 8 friends had gotten this opportunity to join for once and things went a bit too much with the drinking and then just BOOM.

The next day Hongjoong woke up, naked, with his best friend Mingi beside him naked as well.

But the boys have slept in the same bed before just not naked so Hongjoong didn't think much about it.

He stood up and felt pain in his back but he just brushed it off as an "sleeping the wrong way".

So yeah weeks passed Hongjoong didn't feel weird at all just a bit ill at times in the beginning. But that was in the beginning after about 2 weeks Hongjoong started to puke a lot in the mornings.

He told Mingi about it and that he couldn't go to school Mingi started to get worried as it's been going on like that for 6 weeks already.

Of course Hongjoong still went to school just not in the morning due to the morning sicknesses.

"Hongjoongie, you should go to the hospital I'm so worried about you being this sick in the morning"

Mingi said.

"I know I probably should but I... I guess I'm just scared to find out"

Hongjoong said looking down at his feet.

"If you want to I'll come with you"

Mingi said.

"Nah don't worry you shouldn't miss out on school because of me I'll go there myself, plus it's better if we get papers and stuff the teacher can give you my paper and then you can give it to me"

Hongjoong said and Mingi nodded.

"Alright if you say so but please text me when you're done"

Mingi said and Hongjoong nodded.

As they were walking they reached Mingi's house first and Hongjoong stayed for dinner because Mingi's parents basically forced him to stay, they even made Hongjoong's favorite food.

After dinner Mingi followed Hongjoong a bit since it was pretty dark and then they seperated in the middle.

Hongjoong got inside and and did as he promised Mingi he called the hospital for an appointment and was told to come tomorrow after school at 5pm.

The next day after school Hongjoong went to the hospital and waited he was very anxious but what could he do, he was here now and the doctor should be here any minute now.

"Kim Hongjoong?"

A female nurse said and Hongjoong stood up walking up to her.

"Hello I'm Nurse.Lee please come with me"

She said greeting Hongjoong with a warming smile.

When they entered a room Hongjoong was told to sit on the hospital bed he did as he was told and handed his jacket to the nurse.

"Okay so from what I heard is that you've been suffering from morning sicknesses for about 8 weeks is that correct?"

She asked and Hongjoong nodded.

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