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Angel Dust's POV

I was walking around the hotel Fat Nuggets in my arms, he didnt want to stay in the room and i refuse to let him wander around when anyone here can hurt my baby, anyways as i walk around I think, about the hotel, about Valentino my asshole of a boss, about Alastor, abou- wait why am i thinking about that stupid strawberry pimp? It doesnt matter anyways i keep walking around paying little attention to my surrounds, only the little piglet in my top set of arms until i run into someone sending myself to the ground, i quickly wrap all my arms around the little pig to keep him safe from the fall and fall flat on my back letting out a soft 'ow'. I look up to see who or what i ran into, there i see the strawberry pimp himself, Alastor.
"Are you alright my dear?"
He asks putting a hand out for me, i nod and take it.
"Yeah, im fine Al, sorry for runnin' into ya" i dust myself off and give a small smile, he gives his everlasting smile.
"Its truly fine dear i wasn't paying attention where i was going i was thinking of someone" his smile grows
I raise a brow slightly, who was he thinking about? I'm interested now. I mean of course its not me but I can dream. He smiles a bit more before walking away back to what he was doing more then likely. i keep walking with Fat Nuggets who was sitting carefully in my arms where he was when i fell. I smile petting his head "you okay nug nugs?" i ask the small pig getting a small snort in response and a nose nuzzling my chest a bit, i nod a bit at the small animal before i keep walking this time paying attention to where i was going. I think a bit walking, everything i think about is Alastor, why am i thinking about him so much? Why does my heart flutter when i think about the deer demon? Damnit, i don't like this weird feeling. Maybe i should talk to Charlie? She's all about the 'talk-about-your-feelings' shit. Yeah I'll do that. Me and Fat Nuggets change our course walking to Charlie's office knocking twice before i get an answer. 

"Come In!" a happy voice sounds from the other side of the door, i open it carefully walking in then i shut the door again. Charlie is at her desk looking over papers when I walk in, she looks up at me and gives a confused face before smiling brightly "Hi Angel! What did you need?" she questions setting down the papers and motioning me to come sit which ido

"I just wanted to talk about...emotions?" i state in a slightly confused tone, im not even sure what i need if im honest.

"Emotions? okay, whats up?" she smiles a bit gentiler 

"okay so, theres this person that whenevea i think about them i get a weird fuzzy feeling in my chest and its all i cant think about, I get flustered when their around me and everythin' I just want to stay in their arms and never let go of 'em yknow?" i start and her smile grows exponentially bigger and she squeals a bit 

"Angel you have a crush! you love someone that's amazing!" she smiles before calming herself down and continuing " so who is he?" she asks, i give a small smile that quickly falls

"Love? no i cant be in love, he doesn't like me back he never will. Also this cant be love people have told me 'I love you' before but this feels...different? unlike all my clients who have said they love me this feels, genuine and warm but cold because i know it wont happen" i say  petting Nuggets again who nuzzles his head into my fluffy chest falling asleep. I smile at him as he falls asleep "Besides I have Nuggets here and i dont think he favors the person i 'like'  all that much." i  say, to be fair Alastor has tried to eat him before i wouldnt put it past my little buddy to not be very fond of him. then i pause. Alastor, is it true i love him? sure i think about him all the time and i picture an afterlife with him or i think of what it would be like to wake up with him next to me and i never have with anyone else but that doesnt matter! He doesnt like me or anything so its okay.

"its Alastor isnt it Angel Dust?" Charlie questions softly, i look at her in suprised shock. How did she..

"i..umm" i try to fumble out a 'no' but i just stutter over all my words

"thats an obvious yes Angel" she giggles a bit "i think you should talk to him he might like you a lot more then he lets on. it cant hurt to try, right?" she says i just nod

"okay, thank ya Toots" i smile softly "I'll leave ya to your work now, thanks again Charlie" i slowly stand so i dont wake up the little pig asleep on my chest and i leave.

Chalries POV 

I knew it! Alastor just came in saying the same thing about Angel Dust so i had a feeling seeming that Angel flirts with Alastor the most around here, i told Al pretty much the same thing so lets see how this goes, i look at a paper with names of all the hotels residents and i draw a line from Angels signature to Alastors and draw a heart in the middle, next is someone for Husker.!

Back To Angel Dust's POV

i make it back to my room setting down nuggets on his little bed by mine and i flop onto my bed

"Love?" i say to no one in perticular "Am i really in love with Alastor, maybe i am. Should i take Charlies advance and just confess? I mean what more do i have to loose im already in Hell so" i smile a bit looking at my pale pink walls a pink neon sign that says 'Angel Dust' on the right wall being the only light in the room which makes the room glow a neon pink colour a vanity on the far right back corner filled with makeup and a few wigs i use for drag a door to a small closet on the left wall a desk on that wall and a bedside table next to my bed on the right with Fat Nuggets bed to the left, mostly everything in my room is pink or white with a few black or gold accents to things and a small blood red rose in a pink and white striped vase on my bedside table, no clue where it came from it was there when i woke up this morning. i smile softly i knock comes from my door. "who is it?'' I call out

"Alastor dear, may we talk?" I radio like voice calls back through the door

"Its unlocked come on in but if you touch Fat Nuggets i swear to Lucifer i will hurt you" i say my voice darkening a bit, i hear a chuckle then my door open

"I wont touch him Angel, i promise you" Alastor said with a big smile, he seemed to be....blushing?

"Okay? Now what do ya wanna talk about Al?" I ask sitting up to look at him and motioning him to come sit with me which he did.

"Well i, umm." He stumbles a bit before taking a deep breath and nodding slightly to himself. He continues"I just wanted to tell you something Angel, I love being around you whenever i am i get a happy warm feeling i haven't felt in so long. You make me so happy and well, I'll cut to the point before i start stuttering, i really really like you, no, love is a better word. Yeah, I love you Angel Dust." He finished face having a small red glow showing he was blushing slightly. A softer smile on his face my face turns deep red an i smile turning ti him a bit more. I smile as we i lean into him softly, kissing his cheek, giggling softly

"Your adorable when you blush Al, and i love you too" i say leaning in again as did he, our lips connect in a gentle kiss. Pulling back a few minutes later smiling brightly at each other


First one shot hope you enjoyed!
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