All about Wizards's house.

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"Harry, I will always be with you. No matter what happens , I believe that you can bravely fight with difficulties. Be strong."

Welcome everyone to wizarding_stories!

Do the Muggle lessons in class make you feel like you're losing a story you always wanted to immerse yourself in? Especially the mysterious stories which you have always imagine and dream of? You always want to reach the adventures about witch and wizard's life , meet the people with the same thoughts, and then promise to meet each other in the realistic life someday? Or experience the thing called bravery, friendship, love that people have dreamed to?

By the huge efforts, passion and love to Harry Potter, we have established Wizard's house on Wattpad, where every Potterheads' dreams and passions become true.

Wattpad is probably familiar to everyone. We all know that Wattpad is a wonderful software because it allows us to freely compose stories with our own imagination, in addition to the opportunity to enjoy thousands of stories written by dozens of writters all over the world.  Being able to interact and share experiences help us learn more good words that we haven't know yet.

As a Potterhead, all of you are like us, hoping to know more, read more, and understand more about Harry Potter or the characters that you love and admire.  Knowing that mentality, we have established a house with the promise of releasing many interesting works, making you want to read it again and again without getting bored. We have a team of members who have thorough knowledge of Ms. J.K. Rowling's work, ready to provide and answer to you thousands of interesting informations through each word.  These stories will be a small gift that the whole house wants to give to you after stressful Muggle classes.  The story of our house mainly revolves around the magical world of Harry Potter and its adventures and relationships.  Join us in the world of wizards and wizards like Harry Potter, setting aside Muggle life for another page.

The story of Wizards's house will be different from the other stories you've ever read in any media.  We wrote it with all our passion for Harry Potter, ensuring that you guys will have a very special time reading house-labeled stories.

In addition, house-labelled stories will be translated from Vietnamese to English. Each story will have two versions, Vietnamese and English to approach readers more easily, especially Potterheads who love English and Potterheads all around the world.

Mrs. J.K. Rowling is keeping five beautiful gorgeous perfect treasures ...

A few days later, she left her home and went to a place no one could find.

And those five treasures are still there! Each one has its own beauty.

Before she left, she sent a letter to us - the people carrying magical pens who understood and sympathised with the wish that she always directed. They are the bright lights selected by five treasures in the mysterious and fanciful world that witches bring.

And they will continue to paint the vivid memories that Mrs. J.K. Rowling is still unfinished ...

The wizards keep Expecto Patronum
Turquoise blue: hanie97_

The wizards keep Appare Vestigium
Crimson red: _VICthewritter_

The wizards keep Oculus Reparo
Pastel blue: yuugao5221

The wizards keep Diagon Alley
Seafoam green: fullmoon_long
Brandy red: S_a_n_n

Hello guys, we are the house's general manager, Harry and Draco.

If you don't understand anything about things up till now, we can explain it to everyone.

Simply put, this is a story project of us - the Potterheads community who love Harry Potter. If you are interested in the identity of the members of the house, go to the description. The members are very united and close to each other as well as the nickname "house". With keywords such as "wizardsshouse", "wizard", "witch", "potterheads", "jkrowling" or "wizardingstories", you can easily find us.

About the project of house, this is a place to keep the stories we wrote in a self-imagined and developed way about the world of witches and wizards. If you are interested in learning more about Harry Potter and enjoying interesting stories; or you just want to immerse yourself in the mysterious magical world , please visit and follow us here!  We always welcome everyone. If you find our stories interesting or inspiring you guys, please click the vote button! Your enthusiastic support will be a great motivation for us to continue our efforts to launch our readers with fascinating and compelling stories.

Finally, we  sincerely thank you and see you again in our upcoming works!  Have a nice day!


© Wizards's house.

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