I took the bag from her and peeked inside. There was tissue paper on top but after getting through that I saw a red keychain with A on it and a bunch of other small things. The more I dig in there, the more I find. But the thing that caught my eye was a polaroid picture of us.

"This is from Kairis hangout a few days ago.." I took the picture and smiled at it. We were both caught off guard but had the biggest smiles on our faces. On the white part it read 'hangout with my love <3' and a small dino drawing.

"Yeah and you said that dumb joke about lesbian dinosaurs" We started laughing again while thinking about the joke.

Flashback to three days ago

"yo guys i have a good one!" We were sitting on the floor just yelling out random corny jokes all night. The group calmed down after Alejandro's jokes.

"Okay what do you call a lesbian dinosaur?" I gave the group a minute to think but they gave up.

"A lickalotapuss." Avery throws a pillow at me and starts dying of laughter, as does the rest of the group. Taylor has just come back from getting her camera from her car and snapped a pic of me and Avery looking at each other and laughing.

End of flashback

I gave her a hug and put the bag aside. She handed me another bag and sat back. I pulled out a thrasher hoodie and some nike sweats. Hope she won't 'borrow' these.

I felt something in the pocket of the sweats. She couldn't hide her smile when she noticed me pull out a small box. I opened it and a black leather bracelet fell out onto the couch.

"I love you so much

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"I love you so much." I hugged her and kept her there for a long time before pulling away and kissing her yet again.

"Okay now I'm giving you your gifts." She sat back and watched me grab the wrapped up box from the corner.

"You're gonna love this." I said to her while placing it in her lap. She had a curious look on her face while unwrapping it.

Once she got a big chunk of the paper off, you could see the corner where my initials were stitched in. She gasped and I could see tears in her eyes. Is she really gonna cry over a blanket?

"Oh my god I love it! I've been meaning to get a new blanket and now I have the perfect one!" She threw herself on me and drowned me in kisses. I gave her the rest of her gifts.

"This is amazing I love it so much." She wrapped herself in the blanket with Lucy and snapped a picture of them.

She took one of me and her and captioned it "Best christmas ever! ❤️"

"So dinner will be ready at 6 I hope to see you there." Her mom said poking her head in the living room to us. We nodded and got back to what we were talking about.

"I have another gift for you." She was trying to hide her smirk but I knew exactly what she meant.

"Fuck yeah." We got up and I immediately started to drive to my house.

I pulled her down to my room and she got undressed while I closed my door.

"Merry christmas to me." I whispered to myself before getting in with her.


It was 5 when we woke up from our nap. I dropped her off at her house so she could get ready for dinner and so I could do the same.

I put on some fancy looking clothes and took a few pictures for ig.


avery: i know y'all are jealous of my new blanket 🤫😤

ale: 😳 actually no one cares

alvaro: i got socks this year ..

mattia: LMFAOOAA DAMN sorry bro

kairi: new phone who dis 😎

alvaro: oh yeaaaa

avery: i read that like vector 💀💀

mattia: lmao that's his twin

I put my phone in my pocket and started heading to my car. I wasn't sure if I was sleeping here or at Averys tonight.

When I walked in to her house, everyone was in the living room waiting for me. Avery was wearing a burgundy knit top and black jeans with a Gucci belt around her waist. She looked beautiful as always.

"Take a seat at the table honey." Her mom grabbed my hand and walked me to the dining room. I sat in between Avery and Mariano.

They did a little prayer before eating.

"The food looks amazing mom." Avery said before taking a bite. She looked at us and gave us a smile.

The food was bomb. I loved everything that was on the table. I think I ate a little too much.

After her parents leave the table is when we decide to invite the boys over for a late night hangout again.

"My dad finally cleaned out the basement so we could chill there." She was on the phone with Kairi and I was laying in bed while scrolling through Instagram.

A picture of Camila and Alvaro together came up. I'm really happy for them. I double tapped and left a comment for them.


We played music on Averys speaker and just messed around down there until they all had to go.

"I don't even feel like cleaning." She sighed and threw herself on a bean bag.

"Me neither. Let's just do it tomorrow?" She quickly nodded and I helped her up. We started walking back up to her room trying to not make a sound. It was 2am and her parents were asleep.

Mariano was in the living room talking to his girlfriend.

"Night bro." He said as we walked up the stairs. "Hope you didn't forgot about our talk earlier."

I rolled my eyes when he wasn't looking. He won't do shit.

"I'm so tired." She yawned and stretched.

I changed into the pjs she took from my house.

"You have so much of my clothes here I should just move in with you."

"You know that doesn't sound too bad."

After she changed into her pajamas we got in bed and cuddled each other.

"Thanks again for the gifts i really appreciate it." I said looking down at her. She nodded her head and yawned one last time.

"Goodnight Mattia." She leaned up a little and gave me a kiss on the lips.

"Goodnight Avery."

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