Chapter 34: Saving Quintrine

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Nightbreeze's PoV

We have spent time watching out and observing what happens in the camp. Now it's time for us to finally save Quintrine. And the Bronze Dragon. Nava asks me “Nightbreeze what is the next part of your plan? We will all get caught if we go during the day to get her. And it isn't that much better at night.” 

All of a sudden the Wizard appears and says “I can help you with that.”

He casts a spell and says “You all will sound and look like actual Knights but to each other you look normal.”

He turns to me and says “You don't blend in like the spell I cast on them. They have already seen who you are and they have orders to leave you alone by their leader. Don't do anything risky.”

Before any of us can ask any more questions the Wizard disappears. Rosa asks “Why didn't he cast it on you?”

Nava asks me “What are you hiding?”

I decided to show them the wedding ring from Elaethen that's on a chain around my neck. I tell them “It's a last resort plan. If we get caught I'm hoping they won't know that we killed Elaethen and they will think I'm the only survivor of his army.”

Rosa says “And they just let you get by with having enough food to feed three every day for every meal? They have to be hiding something.”

I tell them “I know they are hiding something. I haven't been able to figure it out.”

Nava says “Then we can wait longer before saving them. We don't want to fall into their trap.”

“We don't have much time left. Their leader keeps threatening to kill Quintrine if she doesn't tell him what he wants. We have to go tonight even if we do fall into their trap we still have to try.”

“It's not a smart idea though. We look different thanks to the Wizard but what about you? If you get caught then what will they do to you?”

“I'm not sure but we have to trust each other in order for our plan to work.”

We argue about our plan until it gets dark outside. We put our armor on then head out. there's not as much activity outside during the night. We head over to Quintrine who is fast asleep. We start untying her when another Knight comes over and asks “What are you doing?”

I tell him “Moving the prisoner. We got orders to move her.”

“Move her where?”

“Need to know only.”

“I'm going to ask him about it. Don't move her until I get back.”

“Do you really want to go wake him up? He's not going to be happy.”

The Knight stops and turns back around to face me. He tells me “How would you know? You haven't been in camp for long. He doesn't mind getting woken up if it's for a good reason.”

I was going to continue arguing with him when a voice says “What's going on here?”

We both turn to look and see the leader of the Highlord army walking over to us. We all stop and salute. He salutes us back and the Knight says “They got orders from you to move the prisoner. That's what they are saying.”

The leader looks at me and says “I didn't give you any orders to move the prisoner.”

Nava and Rosa both stop untying Quintrine and stand by me. I tell him “You gave us orders to ...take care of her.”

“I don't remember doing that. You're mistaken.”

“No sir I'm not.”

He says “You're not a real Knight. Real Knights know how to take orders and follow them without question. Who are you really?”

Before we can do anything else more Knights show up and they grab my arms. They also grab Rosa and Nava's arms. They take off their helmets and after seeing their leaders approval they let go of, and let them put their helmets back on. The spell is working. He says, “Now take off this one's helmet.”

They take off my helmet and see who I am. They are all surprised to see me here. The leader says “Nightbreeze. You came to free your friend.”

“She's not my friend. I'm letting her go. I know everything you want to know. Or did you all forget I serve Elaethen?”

They let go of me and the leader says “He's dead. His whole army was killed. Why should I believe you?”

I take the chain out from under my armor and show him the wedding ring. I tell them “He was my husband. I escaped and I came here. We can send her back to warn the others we are more powerful than what they think.”

He says “How can I believe you are with us?”

I tell him some of the plans only leaders of the army would know. He stops me before I can reveal too much. Quintrine wakes up and says “Nightbreeze? What's going on?”

The leader says “I have a plan. Me and you will fight sword on sword. If you win then the prisoners are free to go. If I win then we kill both of them. But there's one catch. You aren't allowed to wear any armor. Elves don't wear armor.”

I tell him “Then reveal what you look like. If you do then I will take off my armor and fight you.”

“That wasn't part of my deal.”

“I'm not changing the deal. I'm just adding to it.”

“You won't like what you see.”

“I'll be the judge of what I will and will not like.”

He takes off his helmet and I recognize him. He's a Kagonesti Elf from my clan. I had a huge crush on him before I was taken away and forced to be a slave. I can't believe he's evil now. I ask him “Why?”

He says “I told you that you wouldn't like it. I'm going to enjoy killing you.”

“Why did you choose this?”

“My parents were killed after my family was kicked out of our clan because we knew where you were taken and we wanted to save you. Your parents didn't want to save you. They spoiled you, taught you everything they knew, and you still didn't want to be leader. They thought if someone taught you a lesson then you would come back stronger and be a leader. Me and my parents went in the woods and lived by ourselves. We could've saved you but there was only three of us. That's not enough of us to save you. My parents were killed right in front of me by the previous ruler of the Highlord army. I had a choice to either join them and live or to die. I choose to live. For a while I got them to look for you but they eventually told me you were killed. It's funny that I actually believed them. I was so angry at my clan for not saving you I completely turned against them. Eventually as I got older I became the leader of the whole Highlord army. We are way better and stronger than anyone else. And soon enough we will rule all of Tiber. No one can stop us.”

I start quickly taking off my armor and I tell him “You're wrong. We will stop you. Evil never wins. You joined the wrong side.”

He tells me in Kagonesti “You would've done the same if you thought I was dead.”

I respond in Kagonesti “No I wouldn't. I would never join evil.”

I grab my sword and get ready to fight him. I tell him “You're an Elf. Elves don't wear armor.”

“I'm not an Elf anymore.”

He moves his longish hair away from his ears to reveal his ears aren't pointed anymore. They have scars on them. I asked him, “What did you do?”

He puts his helmet back on and and gets ready to fight. He tells me “I told you I'm not with our clan anymore. I got rid of everything showing that I am Kagonesti. Including my ears. I see you didn't give up the Kagonesti way. You have Kagonesti clothes on, face and body paint too.”

“I was born Kagonesti and I'm never going to change that. Even if I don't agree with all Kagonesti traditions I won't abandon who I am.”

I make the first move to attack him and we start fighting. 

*Picture at the top of the chapter is the Highlord leader*

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