Chapter Thirty-Four

Start from the beginning

'We're all going to die,' said Jaibles quietly.

'My children, you're afraid. Don't be, you have nothing to fear from me but fear itself. Come, this is a celebration, a chance for you to make up for the lifetime of neglect you put me through. Come, join me.'

His form expanded and rolled like billowing clouds over a mountain top, blue electricity merged and twisted across the watching fleet until around them formed an amphitheatre: a Colosseum of the Gods.

The Motherships were semi-circled to face their God, looking down at the cloudy arena and the shuttles below, competing for Alan's redemption.

'My children, leave your vehicles and join me for the first Task of Redemption. I assure you, it's quite safe and quite breathable.' The audience remained static with doors locked, too terrified to lower their ramps.


The words thundered through the amphitheatre. Slowly, each Mothership lowered its ramp and Gabe watched from afar as, what looked like, a vast colony of ants gradually filled the Colosseum.

'There, now you can marvel at how welcoming your God is, how he built this stadium in the heavens for you, even though you worshipped and prayed to false Gods.'

'He really likes to rub it in, doesn't he?' Whispered Jaibles.

'Oh, you can tell he's totally over it,' said Monkey.

'Welcome my children, we are here today because you wish to mark the beginning of a new chapter in our relationship, a new dawn, in which you claim full responsibility and beg for my forgiveness. But there is much forgiveness to be begged before I once more welcome you back into my arms, much you must prove and many lessons you must learn along the way. You have chosen your Champions, your crews worthy to compete for my affections and if they please me, all will be rewarded with miracles beyond your imagination, however, should they displease me in any way, then all will be punished beyond your imagination. Today, I wish for a race - a simple test of speed and determination. Champions to your starting positions. '

One side of the amphitheatre opened up and the cloud beneath them stretched out as far as they could see.

'Before you, lies a straight run of just over forty thousand kilometres - the exact same distance as the circumference of the Earth I created for you, the one you destroyed. The first champion over the line will be the first recipient of today's lesson and will win your people your first miracle.'

'This is going to be a bloodbath,' said Gabe, 'there are too many shuttles and not enough track. One collision and we're all toast.'

'On it,' yelled Monkey, already configuring the engine, 'if you can hold it, I can get this to explode out the blocks, but it will cost you towards the end of the race.'

'I'll take that,' said Gabe. 'We don't stand much chance in a flat race against these military EX's and I'd rather keep them where I can see them.'

Jaibles adjusted the shuttle cameras to monitor what was happening behind them.

Gabe gripped the stick anxiously as he stared out towards the carpet of blue clouds that rolled out before him, he could hear the blood pumping in his ears as he waited for the forcefield to drop.

'Beep. Beep. Beeeeeeeeep.'

The forcefield disappeared and the Archangel blasted into life.

Gabe struggled through gritted teeth to hold it straight as raw power tore through the thrusters. They burst to the front of the pack as Jaibles watched the carnage play out behind them.

All it took was for one pilot to lose control and clip another EX, which clipped two more and it spiralled from there. He couldn't tell how many shuttles went down in those few short seconds - a hundred, maybe a thousand? All he could do was watch as the smoldering wreckage was left far behind.

He barely noticed as the Archangel was passed by Military shuttles and crossed the finish line in fifth.

There was a deathly silence from the crowd, as what was left of the champions crossed the finishing line, followed by a mixture of sadness, confusion and worry as the crowd, unsure of how to act, were more unsure of how God would react.

His boisterous laughter cascaded across the amphitheatre.

'YES! Well fought and well played Earthlings, I have created you with much courage and spirit. You may now applaud your champions.'

Polite applause broke out across the amphitheatre, in an attempt to not displease him.

'Yes, you may well applaud your champions, they have pleased me so greatly, I shall bestow upon you the miracle of unlimited food.'

A flash of blue electricity pulsed through the fleet.

'Your shuttles now have the capability to produce any food or drink, any time, in any quantity. It's yours for as long as your journey lasts you.'

The audience erupted in unbridled joy, seas of baying bodies danced and chanted Alan's name, filling the amphitheatre with praise.

Alan allowed this to continue for several minutes, revelling in their adulation. Eventually he raised the winning Military shuttle high into the air, hushing the adoring crowd.

'Behold your champions. SS EARTH MILITARY 2608. Crewed by Captain Tommy Graze, Lieutenant Francis Carter and Corporal G. Bordello.'

More ecstatic joy and celebration erupted from the now frenzied crowd.

'Behold your champions and heed your first lesson.'

As the lord God Alan spoke these words, he launched the SS EARTH MILITARY 2608 clean across the sky and into the path of an oncoming asteroid.

As debris scattered across the heavens, he doubled in size and hung menacingly over the crowd.


Several billion voices fell silent.

Gabe, Monkey and Jaibles watched in stony silence as the crowd quickly filed back into their Motherships.

'Okay, thanks for coming! Go enjoy a nice meal and I'll let you know when the next task of redemption is - save room for pudding.' A final flash of blue electricity rippled and the light holding them, along with their Lord God Alan was gone.

Gabe, Jaibles and Monkey sat in stunned silence.

'We're all going to die,' whispered Jaibles, 'you do realise that don't you? He's going to make us play his twisted little games to pick us all off, but as long as he keeps throwing them treats, they'll love him for it. We're gladiators! That's it, we're gladiators for him to throw to the lions for their entertainment.'

'I think they threw Christians to the lions, Geezer, not Gladiators,' corrected Monkey.

'This is no time for a theology lesson, Monkey. This is serious.'

'Well, look on the bright side,' smiled Gabe, 'you were right - I guess getting killed by the EDEN isn't our biggest problem anymore.'

The God Complex: The Book Of Alan, Destroyer Of WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now