Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


{DAY 6}

Minx walks back over to Lilith, who was playing with a bandage on her forehead. Minx pushes Lilith's hand away from it.

"Don't touch it." Minx scolded. Lilith sighed.

"When are they going to give me surgery to get better?" Lilith asked in an adorable voice as she holds her stomach. Minx sighs.

Maybe never’ Minx thought to herself.

"Don't worry about it." Minx replied sadly. Lilith coughed violently.

"I'm hungry..." Lilith complained. Minx walks over to her backpack and searches for something to eat.

“There might be something in the backpack” Minx replied.

"No! I want some real food! Food that isn't a bar of chocolate or a can of something! I'm tired of not eating!" Lilith yelled, stuffing her face on a pillow. Minx sighed.

"I-I'll see what I can get you in the cafeteria." Minx stuttered, getting up. She kisses Lilith on her soft cheeks.

"You'll be back though, right?" Lilith asked.

"Of course I will." Minx said as she walks out.


Minx walks past a few injured people as she makes her way to the cafeteria.

"Where is it?" Minx mumbled to herself, reading signs.

'Cafeteria-Ahead' Minx read.

"Found it." Minx whispered. She continues walking forward, remembering each direction in order to get back to Lilith.

"What would a 7-year-old girl want to eat? Ice cream? Candy? Hamburgers?" Minx spoke to herself as she walks into the HUGE cafeteria. Her mouth drops at how huge the area was.


Minx stands in front of the long line, trying to decide on what to get.

Just then, she spots a girl with black hair talking to another girl with red hair.

"Krism? Amanda? No. Couldn't be." Minx mumbled, watching them.

Another woman walked up to the two. Minx automatically recognizes her.

"Amber!" Minx said to herself. She began to get excited.

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