9. Emerald Garden

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"I don't know what to do..."

A small shop in London, with blooming flowers and green leaf. A mixture of colours, green, yellow, pink and more, with the blue sky as a background, creating a magnificent view, just like a painting. The only thing that a person with taste can say is beautiful. Two young men sitting inside only make that painting more lively with their appearance. A blonde and a brown hair tied in a small ponytail, both with eyes as green as emerald.

"João, what should I do?"
João chuckles
"You tell me, I'm only a wizard while you're a whole new level!"
"How can you say that so freely when we're outside of home?"
"But we're still in our shop, no ones here yet so why not"
"*sigh* I'm serious João, besides you and them, I have no one to rely on and you know how bad the situation is for me to say that!"
"Now now, don't get angry. How about let me make some tea for you and we'll discuss this topic later? Hm?" His eyes glow towards Arthur, mumbling "
Totum imperi-"
Arthur flinch and reach out to cover João eyes, he hiss
"Yes yes! Do whatever you want! Just don't cast spell randomly!"
"I called Kiku"
Arthur choke on his tea
"W-what? And you did it without asking me!?"
"If I tell you, you'll throw a tantrum and protest. Besides, you said, and I quote 'Do whatever you want' "
"After all this years, you still treat me like a child, why can't you treat me like a man I am? When are you going to treat me like how you treat Lukas? I'm only a year younger than him you know"
"Well I did raised you for a couple of years, you're like a son or a brother to me so the image of you inside me is still the kid I met twelve years ago"
"Yeah right, the kid that was wet from head to toe during a rain storm" He said bitterly
"Anyway, have you heard the news? Gilbert found his soulmate!"
"Hm? Good for him, though I feel bad for the lass that ended up with his obnoxious voice and his oh so 'awesomeness'"
"I believe his soulmate is a boy... a Canadian according to Antonio"
"Oh. That's... unsurprising, I told you that's a boy from the beginning, except that I was expecting a German or an Italian like his brother. Anyway, how's your cousin Antonio doing, I haven't heard from them since their honeymoon. The git Lovino is still owing me a book club meeting"
"Speaking of soulmates" João ignore Arthur question, instead he lean forward instead "Tell me more about this Alfred guy, I'm curious"

He waited patiently in silence, watching Arthur eyes vibrate as he debate to himself. A minute has pass and no sign show that Arthur have any interest in saying anything. Another minute. Finally, Arthur open his mouth to talk when suddenly the door bell ring, a customer has enter. Arthur, seeing an escaping opportunity, quickly stand up to help the woman with a braided brown hair. João still sitting quietly.
The woman scan the display flower, trying to find the perfect bouquet
"Hello miss, I'm Arthur. Do you found any flower that interest you?"
"I'm Leja and no, I'm looking for a bouquet that have the flower Rue and Red Poppy, it's for a...friend"
"Oh? So you want the Lithuanian and Polish national flowers? I'm sorry but currently we're out of that type for now but you did say about giving it for a friend so I recommend using Blue Tulip" He turn around in an attempt of showing the flower but Leja stop him
"Actually, I want to give it for my soulmate. We're on a trip and today's the last day we're in England before we went back to Poland so I want to give her something special like flowers" Arthur felt a sting in his heart "but I don't want to use rose as it's too, what's the English word for it? Uh...cliché! Yea, I don't want to use rose as it's too cliché"
"Nonsense, roses are never too cliché when it's come to love. Believe me, your soulmate will be over joyed" He bring a bouquet of red roses to her "I grew this in my garden and was recently picked so don't worry about wilting"
"It's beautiful. Thank you Arthur, Florentyna will be delightful about this"

Leja left the store, a small smile appeared on her face when she held the roses close to her. Arthur is glad he helped a couple but still feel like he's in pain but what can he do besides hoping the best for his customers. He sigh.

"So... are you ready to talk?"
It's finally night, Alfred and Mathias are sleeping on the top floor.  Under them is three shadows staying up late, discussing.
"Be careful, the risk of them finding out is high."
"João isn't a useful help either...I asked for help but all he said are useless nonsense"
"...Seems like we're on our own now"
"Actually, that's not fully true"

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