5. Stones

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Arthur POV

'What am I going to do? This never happened before...' I pace around the living room, once a while glance at the two stone on the table 'Gosh, Lukas and Vladimir better be back soon'

I don't know why but it all happened all of the sudden. It all begin with Vladimir phone call, he informed to me that Lukas and my stone has shined and sent out heat waved. I rushed back home to see it with my own eyes but when I get there, only Lukas stone is working, mine has gone back to it normal state.

"Arthur! We're home!" Thanks goodness, they're home

I quickly run to the door and open it, even though I knew they have the key. To be honest, I was shock to see who's with them. Damnit, more people to hide this secret from, we moved here to hide from the curiosity of humanity and now they actually bring humans home!?

Alfred POV

I can't believe it, I get to see him again, and I can't believe how Mathias and my soulmates live together plus that vampire dude. Arthur look at me with eyes full of mixed feelings. The most obvious is surprise and... fear? Is he afraid of us? Did we do something wrong or what? Seem like his housemate saw it too.

"Art, calm down" Vladimir motion us to come in " They won't do anything... probably..."

"If they do anything, don't hold back" Lukas look at me with venom. Gez, what's wrong with this guy!?

We went to the living room, where I saw two shining stone placed neatly one a small, white pillow. Both of them is shining brightly, that's remind me, my stone is killing me. The three sit on the opposite couch while we sit on the two arm chair, their eyes look straight into my soul, something tell me they don't trust us.

"Hey, my stone stop glowing!" Mathias yelled, earning looks from the rest "I just notice just now but when Lukas gave it back, it stopped! He's definitely my soulmate

"...Lukas, explain yourself" He sigh and told Arthur what he did after he left the store

A few minutes and yelling later

"So...you're my soulmate?" I nodded, silence is the respond I get

"Today is our first day in England and we didn't book a hotel..." I turn over to look at Arthur " Can we stay at your place? I mean we're soulmate and all, I think we could get to know each other"

They share a knowing glance, it just like they're communicating without speaking. After a while of silence, they finally agree to let us stay and led us to the guest room. Their house has three floor and six bedroom in total, I don't know why they need that many rooms when there's only three people. The first floor contain the living room and kitchen, and the place where they left their motorbikes. The second and third floor is quite similar to each other, each has three rooms but we have to go to the third floor because the second floor is the trio rooms.

I settle in the room above Arthurs, relaxing on the bed after a long day with argument and shouting, finally fall asleep without any second thought. Tomorrow is gonna be great, tomorrow I get to see my Arthur...

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