A Simulation Performace: Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

They had just arrived at the entrance to the tower; the flags flew in the cold breeze and the building looked rather intimidating

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They had just arrived at the entrance to the tower; the flags flew in the cold breeze and the building looked rather intimidating. Owen had to admit that this area was gorgeous with its colored leaves and blue cloudless sky, but of course, he would never say that out loud; especially when Walter was right in front of him. That bastard would turn back to him and smirk that ugly smirk. . . That bitch grin.

People were already waving and smiling at them as they passed- well not really all of them- more at Walter really.

If his brothers or father were with him right now he would be so ashamed of himself. . . Owen Coslynn Maliden traveling with Lance Sterling's sidekick? How did this come to be? Oh right, because of Brett of course. Though Owen was beginning to think that Brett didn't favor him as much. But who wouldn't favor him? His family is very wealthy! Surely he had mentioned that to Brett quite enough, perhaps he needed to be reminded. Yes, he could make Brett very rich, and with that comes happiness! Oh, the smile on his little chubby cheeks when he orders him a bed of gold they could both sleep in!

Yet, Brett still had a weird obsession with Beckett! He's always speaking of him as if he was his religion. Now he had to find out a way for his darling to notice him. Though, he couldn't do cool stunts, and he didn't have those strong arm and chest muscles that Walter had, but Brett will find out how truly strange the boy is sooner or later.

"Wait. . . Where are my bags?" Owen realized.

The doors to the skyscraper opened to reveal a large lobby room; it looked very ordinary, almost as if it was a doctors waiting area.

"We put them on a bus, " (Y/N) told him. She was holding a large steel box which Owen assumed to be the possible 'bomb'; Brett was helping her carry it as well.

"WhAT!?" Owen exclaimed. He had some of his best outfits in his luggage!

"Yeah, I didn't have anywhere to put them in my car, so I shipped them to my address. they should be there by now, " Walter said while glancing at his watch.

"Your address!?"

"Yeah, where else was I suppose to put your shit?"

"Anywhere but your house."

"Oh, stop complaining! At least he didn't leave it on the side of the road! " Angelina said while rolling her eyes.

"For me, that's almost equivalent to shipping it to his house."

"I mean- if you want to sleep somewhere else tonight, be my guest. But I'm not helping you carry them, " Walter told him, sounding tired and irritated.

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