He shakes his head. "Hell nah."

That should've been a sign that I shouldn't but like always I continued on. Wanting to fill that void that's been missing. I leaned down placing my nose close to the rolled up bill and I wave the bill over the crack while sniffing. The substance goes into my nose and at first it burns causing me to go back and hold my nose. And as I do that I notice that Tez is already gone, probably not wanting to see. And Cas is watching me in anticipation.

The both of us waiting for this to happen.


Oena walked into the club her heels clicking against the floors. She's arrived for a new job, working at a rehab center. She's happy and relieved to have gotten it so soon since she's fresh from college. Come arrival she hates it here in Atlanta. Well she loves the places there is to party, and eat but she's also notice the drug scene is heavy here. And that in Atlanta they take their drug dealers way more seriously. She'd had a run in earlier with the man they call "Kade" and it wasn't too pleasant leaving her with a bad taste in her mouth.

She ran her hand down her black dress in need of a drink but also in need to pee. She'd thought about getting her drink first but something kept telling her to go to the bathroom. While walking towards the bathroom she sees a young girl, maybe in highschool placed up against a wall. Her eyes are droopy and her talking is slow and she's constantly rocking her body back and forth like she can't stop moving. All fidgety and out of the world. High.

A man is talking to her. Trying to tell her to come into the bathroom with him and his friend. Off top the girl reminds her of Oena's little sister. She did look just like Dani, Niecy hated clothes like club outfits and those tight things girls wear. You'd catch her wearing the same thing Dani's wearing, a sweat shirt and some sweat pants even at a club. But her outfit stood out to Oena. Most addicts would go to a club all dressed up looking whorish just to get stoned and party with some guys but judging by her outfit she probably never planned on leaving her chair. She's probably at the wrong place at the wrong time Oena thought.

She'd expected the girl to at least fight the guy off but the girl didn't. She knew the girl must've been on some next level type of crack when she nodded and was about to stumble her way into the bathroom with him.

Oena stepped in intervening. Letting them know that she was was present. "Actually no," she says. "This is my friend and I need to get her home."

The guy eyes Oena. "Your friend just said she wanted to come with me so excuse us."

"Well now I'm telling you she don't." Oena narrows hereyes at him. During their argument Dani was trying to speak but everything came out slurred and all over the place leaving both of them silent.

Oena rolled her eyes tapping her foot. "Look is there going to be a problem? Because if so I can call the cops and let them know..." she trails. The man immediately gets spooked, bringing the cops up in here looking for him would have him placed right back in jail and he has over eight children to support and three baby mothers.

He lets Dani go and she loses her balance, before she can drop to the floor Oena grabs her by the arm helping to pick her up. She sees the man heading towards the bathroom she wonders if he's going to tell his friend she's a no show but when the bathroom door is slightly about to close she sees that same man kissing his "friend". Oena shakes her head in disgust, she has nothing against gay men but it's the ones that are on the down low pretending to be straight that she despises. That's enough to make her not trust any man with their friends.

She stares at the girl who groans tripping over her feet while walking with Dani. She reminds her so much of her little sister Niecy. The both look like two sweet girls. But like Dani Niecy also hung out with the wrong crowd. She was around some people who had peer pressured her into taking some drugs, a whole bunch of different ones in one night. Crack, crystal meth, molly, ecstasy, you name it. It was by the grace of a god a whole miracle that she didn't die that night because of it. But that night did change Niecy's life. It turned her into the worst type of addict. The one who will literally do anything to get high. She'd done so much stuff that night she couldn't even remember what the names of those things were so she started doing every drug there is. Oena and her parents tried putting her in rehab over five times but each time she was always back on the streets searching for that unknown high she'd only experienced once.

Niecy died in one of the most worse ways possible and Oena knew deep down inside she was to blame for it.

She didn't want to not help Dani because she knew that this would make her feel like she'd actually helped her sister. Or at least not as bad for not helping.

On the way out of the hall of the bathroom both Oena and Dani bump into Te'zon. Oena stares at the handsome man with neat dreads and she can immediately tell he knows Dani judging by the look relief. Oena wastes no time snapping on the man.

"Why weren't you watching her? She could've been raped or worse if I didn't show up when I did. Fuck kind of friend are you." She snaps on Te'zon.

"Look," he didn't know how to explain the situation since he's sure it looks pretty bad. "I turned away for a second literally just took my eyes off of her to get my drink and she disappeared."

"Why would you let her take drugs anyway?" Oena found herself asking. She felt like it was her place to ask something she'd always wished she could've asked her sisters "friends" that day.

"I didn't my brother did."

"Your brother is a coward." Oena says clenching her jaw.

"Coward? He didn't force her to do anything okay? She chose to take those drugs. We aren't even on drugs." Te'zon defends his brother placing all the blame and truth on Danielle.

Oena believed the young teen but that still didn't make it right. Oena felt like whether she took it on her own will or not both men around her could've told her not to. Could've changed things for her. "Do you realize that she could be a addict right now? This moment that you and your dumbass brother decided not to tell her no will be the main reason why this girls life is fucked up."

Te'zon looked taken back. "Look you don't know Dani. Okay? You don't know her. She's not some sweet innocent girl. She called us wanting to drink and smoke and that's what we planned on doing. But then she changed her mind and wanted to do some crack. Dani is not one of them girls who you tell no and they forget about it. I did tell them it's not a good idea but it's what she wanted to do. So no lady I didn't ruin her damn life she ruined her own life." Te'zon didn't like being placed as the bad guy here. Tez was the only person out of the group of people that actually didn't hate Dani. In fact if it came down to who wouldn't kill her it'd be him. So for Oena who does not know Dani at all to paint this perfect picture of her while she is the one high on crack and paints Te'zon and Cas as some monsters pisses him off.

She fanned him off shoving him away and taking the poor girl with her. Oena knew over a million stories that go just like Dani's and she's refused just refuse.

To let her end up like her sister.

THUG WATERS (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now