⚫ 120.) Land of Toxic

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At least take comfort in your writing.

Writing can truly have its perks, because when it's hard to see there are pieces to reflect on and I've definitely found myself beaming back in self love. 

I've learned I wasn't wrong like I thought I was. 

Some people have questioned how I write the way I do and I simply answer "love". 

Yet, when oddly feeling forced to step outside of my comfort zone to search for other love, I was told this without any asking. 

Heartbreak became this recurring theme. 

One, this person somehow grew into as they waited for more fuel. 

I know my comparison couldn't have been far off, because they quickly compared me to a flower that they were afraid of being toxic and I felt the need to warn them to not pick me up. 

I wanted the correct showering and later found myself back at their comparison. 

I felt the need to express that if anything I felt like I was this rare flower somehow surviving all odds in a toxic environment.

Land of toxic...

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